Filling the Ark: Animal Welfare in Disasters
50 / Chapter 2 The rescuers again pleaded with Buckeye to remove the living birds to sheltered areas where they could receive fo ...
Animals on Factory Farms / 51 animal rights groups were actually showing the workers how to carry the birds, and they were doing ...
52 / Chapter 2 rescue, many were still doing well when I spoke with her in Febru- ary 2007. Reducing Vulnerability through Susta ...
Animals on Factory Farms / 53 dogs or cats. They point out how even birds who have never seen the light of day will display natu ...
54 / Chapter 2 nies that breed, feed, and slaughter the animals own them, but the grower has the role, though temporary, of a st ...
Animals on Factory Farms / 55 our current methods. Sustainability is, of course, defi ned in human terms. For the animals who lo ...
56 / Chapter 2 simple step can make animals less vulnerable while not imposing costs on the people involved in implementing it. ...
Animals on Factory Farms / 57 What are the best pasture production systems for differ- ent climates How can animals be raised i ...
58 / Chapter 2 mation about the conditions under which animals were raised. Con- sumers who want to make choices that are more h ...
Animals on Factory Farms / 59 comes for the animals that are not only important from an animal-welfare perspective but are also ...
60 / Chapter 2 lunch, much as homeowners can get tax credits for making houses more energy effi cient. In short, we can take num ...
3 Birds and Marine Wildlife I don’t like to call it a disaster, because there has been no loss of human life. I am amazed at the ...
62 / Chapter 3 disasters discussed in the preceding chapters. No one is responsi- ble for a hurricane or tornado, but when human ...
Birds and Marine Wildlife / 63 cise data on the numbers of birds and animals affected by oil spills, but the annual fi gure is s ...
64 / Chapter 3 ern Argentina and southern Brazil, where shipping routes overlap with the penguins’ migration route. The oil come ...
Birds and Marine Wildlife / 65 efforts that had been sparked by the 1962 publication of Rachel Car- son’s Silent Spring. In the ...
66 / Chapter 3 Petroleum is a Latin word meaning “rock” and “oil,” and ancient peoples found various uses for the sticky substan ...
Birds and Marine Wildlife / 67 tion of oil since its opening in the nineteenth century.^20 It greatly shortened the voyage from ...
68 / Chapter 3 ing spill would have amounted to only one-fi fth of what the Torrey Canyon lost. The spill would have been a loca ...
Birds and Marine Wildlife / 69 amount of oil that would leak out over the course of years. The French had better results using s ...
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