Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Knowledge, authority, 459
Knowledge work, 422
Know-Nothing Party, 258
Kohlberg’s moral development theory,
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 92, 258

Labeling theory of deviance, 177, 191
Labor, division of, in bureaucracies, 95
Labor unions, 438, 472
Lady Chatterley’s Lover(Lawrence), 340
Laissez-faire capitalism, 426
bilingual education and, 568
bilingualism and, 273
culture and, 46–47
official, English as, 48, 66
Late adulthood, aging and dying in,
Latent functions, 24
Latinos/Latinas.SeeHispanic Americans;
Race; Race and ethnicity
Laws, 50
charismatic, 489, 492, 493
of groups, 85
Legal-rational authority, 458–459
Legitimacy, family and, 383
Lesbians.SeeHomosexuality; Sexual orien-
Levittown, 633
Liberal feminism, 309
Life expectancy, 231, 349, 533, 619, 629
Life span, 349
sex and, 360
thinking sociologically about, 362
Likert scale, 117, 119
Listservs in research, 135
cultural, 563–564
education and, 562–563
media, 596
scientific, 564
Literacy rate, global economies and, 231
Literature review, 109–110
Lobbies, 471–474
Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act,
Longitudinal studies, 372
Looking-glass self, 72–73
Love, gender inequality in, 305, 306
Lower class, 214
Lower upper class, 213
Low-income countries, 232

Macrolevel analysis, 27
Magna Carta, 460
“Mail-order wives,” 624
Majority groups, 248–251. See alsoWhite
Malthusian theory, 627–628
Managerial corporations, 432
The Man behind the Myths(Oates), 224

Manifest functions, 24
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of
Race(Montagu), 250
Manufacturing consent, 436
Marijuana, 542
Marital status, 78, 100–101
Market theories of global inequality,
Marriage, 393–401
biracial, 398–399
blended families and, 408–409
“Boston marriages,” 326, 399
cohabitation and, 395–397
companionate, 387
delayed, 394–395
divorce and, 406–409
exogamy and, 384
gender inequality in, 305–306
group, 384
interracial, 398–399, 400, 414–415
intimate partner violence and, 409–410
legitimacy and, 383
monogamous, 383
polyandrous, 384
polygamous, 383
polygynous, 383–384
reasons for nonmarital choices and,
same-sex, 394, 399–401
singlehood versus, 395
trends in, 398
Marx’s views, 15–16
on religion, 490
on social class, 210
Masculinities, 281–282
Masculinization of sex, 332
Mass media, 587–614
advertising and, 602–603
as agent of socialization, 154–156
blogs, 591
celebrities and, 603–604
confidence in, 604, 615
consolidation of, 601–602
cultural imperialism and, 611–612
culture industries and, 598–600
freedom of the press and, 610, 615
games, gambling, and porn, 593–594
globalization of, 609–612
identity and, 604–607
Internet, 594–595
minorities in, 598
multicultural voices and, 600–601
print, 589–591
race and ethnic relationships portrayed in,
radio, movies, and television, 592–593
regulation of, 607–609
saturation and convergence and, 595–597
in 21st century, 613–614
Mass production, 420
Master status, 78–79
Masturbation, 327
Material culture, 40–41

Maternal “instinct,” 143
Maternal mortality rate, 534
Mathematics, 511
Matrilineal descent, 383
Matrix of domination, 260
McDonaldization, 31
Mead’s views, 20–21
on socialization, 144–145
Mechanical solidarity, 18, 636
definition of, 588
interactive, 598
mass.SeeMass media
Media consolidation, 601–602
Media literacy, 596
Media texts, 598
consumption of, 606
meaning in, 605
Medicalization, 539
Megalopolises, 636
Melting pot, United States as, 272, 275, 277
Members, hardcore, 85–86
Men and Women of the Corporation
(Kanter), 94
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from
Venus(Gray), 279
Mental illness, 539–541
Meritocracy, 207
“The Metropolis and Mental Life” (Simmel),
“Microcredit,” 226
Microlevel analysis, 27–28
Middle adulthood, 354–356
Middle age, 354–356
Middle class, myth of, 215–216
Middle Eastern Americans, 270–271
Middle Eastern Broadcasting Company, 611
Middle-income countries, 232
Middle middle class, 214
Middletown(Lynd), 352
Midlife crisis, 355
Migration, 620–624
emigration, 620–622
immigration, 273, 620–624
internal, 622–624
Military, 476–477
“Millennium Project,” 225
Minority groups, 248. See alsoEthnicity;
Race; Race and ethnicity; specific
early focus on, 21–23
in mass media, 598
in sociology, 34–35
Miscegenation, 398
Mobility, social. SeeSocial mobility
Modern economy, 420–421
Modernism, 14, 32–34
Modernization theory of global inequality,
Monarchy, 460
Monogamy, 383
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