AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
(K|R|H)(L|V|M|I|A|F)(K|R|H)...(S|T)...(I|L|V|M|A|F)", proteomehuman)]

  1. Remove any duplicated hits by running the following code at
    the console in RStudio:

humanduprm<- myhitshuman[!duplicated(myhitshuman),]

  1. Compile the protein sequences containing an AMPK consen-
    sus sequence to individual strings by running the following
    code at the console in RStudio:

seq<- NULL;
for (z in 1:length(humanduprm)){;
seq[z]<- toString(humanduprm[z])};
Sequence<- data.table(sequence=seq)

  1. Compile protein IDs by running the following code at the
    console in RStudio:

accession<- data.table(longname=humanduprm@ranges@NAMES);
accession[,ensembl_peptide_id:= word(longname)];
accession$longname<- NULL;
accession$ensembl_peptide_id<- sub("\cr..*", "", accession$ensembl_peptide_id)

  1. Download gene symbols IDs by running the following code at
    the console in RStudio:

Keys<- accession$ensembl_peptide_id
mymarthuman<- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
myhitshuman_genename<- getBM(attributes=c("ensembl_peptide_id",
"external_gene_name"), values = Keys, mart = mymarthuman)

  1. Create a data table by running the following code at the
    console in RStudio:

myhitshuman<- cbind(Sequence, accession);
myhitshuman<- merge(myhitshuman, myhitshuman_genename, by =

  1. The data table can then be written out to an Excel workbook
    by running the following code at the console in RStudio (see
    Notes 11and 12 ):

write.table(myhitshuman, file = "AMPK consensus sequence containing proteins.xls",
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

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