http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 161 http://www.BryansMarine.com Mississippi-Louisiana’s Boati ...
162 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 Of course, speckled trout foraging on baitfish can also cause these oily, round patches on ...
http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 163 ALUM TRAILER - 2 BAITWELLS SELF BAILING - 52 GALLON FUEL ...
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http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 167 Cigars & courtbouillon The Lenten season is winding d ...
168 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 Cigars & courtbouillon The boy was on a roll. His stage presence and delivery shamed H ...
http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 169 pointing at a picture of Pelayo and me dressed to kill un ...
170 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 However, when eastern gales turn the edges of Breton Sound milky to muddy, we simply searc ...
http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 171 “Dey SWARM!” he howled while removing the hook and tossin ...
172 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 out. “Only we were using go-go worms and smoky shrimp tails at the time.” “And side-winder ...
http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 173 ALL OVER IT! A school of finger mullet that had congregat ...
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http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 175 Stacking up the state fish Chicot Lake sac-a-lait can be ...
176 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 Stacking up the state fish V oters had approved a state lottery in 1990, and two years lat ...
http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 177 If sac-a-lait are off points, Fontenot motors over to hya ...
178 Louisiana Sportsman^ | April 2015 But Chicot Lake waters had stayed very cold into the spring as the result of a much colder ...
http://www.LouisianaSportsman.com April 2015 | Louisiana Sportsman 179 there are any spawning sac-a-lait remaining. For example, ...
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