2017-11-26 Amazonas
DURING A VACATION IN TROPICAL AUSTRALIA in October 2016, I had the opportunity to observe two representatives of the genus Pseud ...
R. LUNDKVIST one-day fishing trip. I immediately noticed Bruce’s impressive knowledge about the native fauna and flora. He also ...
TOP: R. LUNDKVIST; BOTTOM: R. HUSSMANN AMAZONAS After an hour, we returned and found fishes in the trap and around it. Ordinary ...
AMAZONAS AMAZO AAAAANAAAAA SSSSSSS 117 Neverslnk St. (Lorane) Reading, PA 19606-3732 Phone 610-404-1400 Fax 610-404-1487 http:// ...
AQUATIC PLANTS AMAZONAS MAGICAL MARIMO A Homage to Aegagropila linnaei ...
AMAZONAS INSET: H.-G. EVERS; BACKGROUND: LALUNLAA / SHUTTERSTOCK by Devin Biggs • Like multitudes of autotrophic Tribbles infest ...
MANASSIRI K / SHUTTERSTOCK With their whimsical appearance, ubiquity, and gushing claims of their virtues by aquarium plant vend ...
FRANCESCO ROSSI AMAZONAS might be fed by turbid streams and/or occur in areas with limestone or other sources of dissolved miner ...
AMAZONAS faces required for establishment of the mat form, so in this way A. linnaei expands its suitable habitat. By rolling ab ...
AMAZONAS While A. linnaei does not seem to be directly harmed by elevated nutrient levels—the success of Marimo Balls in hobby a ...
TOP LEFT & BOTTOM: HANS-GEORG EVERS; TOP RIGHT: SUMMER RAYNE OAKES AMAZONAS Mass of Marimo Lake Balls in an import facility. ...
AMAZONAS Aquascaping with Marimo— A Shrimp and Lake Ball Marimo Biotope article & images by Steven Waldron • I’ve always had ...
AMAZONAS A tiny, perfect setting for a colony of red Cherry Shrimp that clamber over the rockwork and driftwood and graze the su ...
AMAZONAS created a hardscape layout of Seriyu stone, branch wood, and bright cosmetic sand. I went for an elemental layout: jagg ...
Vieja melanura— one name, two species? article & images by Michael Pilack • Vieja melanura is considered a taxon that has “s ...
AMAZONAS This specimen has a broken caudal band. I refer to these animals as Cichlasoma synspilum, although they officially belo ...
set new standards in systematics and evolutionary biolo- gy. In 2011, McMaham and his colleagues put what they considered eviden ...
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