VisitourHints& 4-17April 2018 65
Moreadvanced tipsforwhenyou’refeelingbrave
andaddtheemail addresses
of thepeopleto sharethe file with.
It’s easy to shareafileor
folder butit’snot obvioushowto then
stopsharingit. OntheiOSapp, tapthe
file’s menubutton andselect Details.
At thebottom, it listspeoplewith
access,suchas‘Anyone withthislink’.
Tapit, then tapRemoveAccess.
OnAndroid,tap themenubutton,
then thetiny‘i’ in thecornerto display
informationaboutthe file.The people it
is shared withare listed at thebottom.
To make it easier to seewhich
filesaresharedinOneDrive, theiOSapp
overlaysthe file or folder withanicon
showingtwopeople.Itisverysmall on
theiPhoneand easier to seeonthe
iPad’s larger screen.OneDriveonthe
iPad hasaSharing column, where
shared filesor foldershavea‘Shared’
entrylisted, so youcan seewhat’sbeing
shared at aglance.
In both theiOSandAndroidapps,
presstheSharediconatthe bottomof
thescreentosee alistofpeoplesharing
files.Tap yourselftosee thefiles and
foldersyou aresharing.Anyone who
shares fileswithyou is listed and
tappingthemliststhe shared files.
Installthe Word andExcelapps
on your phoneortabletand youcan
also edit anydocuments that are
on your PC’s desktop.
Save filesanywhere
advanced than theAndroid app
andhasextra features.For example,
to anylocation.
Pressthe menubutton next to afile
andselect Share, then press‘Saveto
Files’in thepanelthat slides up.You’ll
seealistoflocations.The optionsthat
areavailable depend on whichapps
youhaveinstalled, andcouldinclude
iCloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox.
Select thelocationyou want and
thefilewill be addedtoit.
This makesiteasytomovefiles
fromOneDrive to Google Drive,
forexample.Don’t forget that
multiple filescanbeselectedby
long-pressingafile, then usingthe
tick boxestoselectmore. They can
then allbemovedtoanewlocation
at thesametime.
Normally,the OneDrive folder
on your PCis an exactcopyof
everything stored in your
online OneDrive account.
However, it’s possible to
configurethe settings so your
filesareonlystoredonline, to
free up spaceonyourPC’s
hard drive.
Right-click theOneDrive
cloudicon in thenotification
area of thetaskbar andselect
tab. Tickthe boxunder‘Files
On-Demand’and click OK.Open
Explorer,right-click OneDrive in the
sidebarand select ‘Freeupspace’.
It takesawhile,but eventually
allthe filesandfoldersinOneDrive
will have acloud icon on them–
to indicatethattheyare stored online.
Thesefiles canstill be accessed –
it just takesalittlelongertoopen
thembecause they have to be
Access your desktop
If youset OneDrive as thedefault
storagelocation forthe Windows
desktop, youcan access anyfiles you
keep on your desktopfromother
computers,phones andtablets.When
you’re outand about, youcan open
thesefiles usingyourphone, just as
easilyas youwould if youweresitting
in frontofyourPC. Thehost
computer(theone withthe desktop
youare accessing) doesn’tevenneed
to be switched on.
To setthisup, right-click the
OneDrive icon in thenotificationarea
andselect Settings.Selectthe Auto
Save taband setthe Desktop
drop-downmenuto OneDrive.
Anyicons,files andfoldersonthe
desktopwill disappear,but don’t
worry, they arestill in C:\Users\
YourName\Desktop.The new
Open theOneDriveapp on a
phoneortabletand thedesktop
folder is rightthere. Anyitemon
your PC’s desktopisavailable on
your mobiledevice. Equally,ifyou
uploadfiles fromyour phoneor
tablettoyourdesktop,those files
will appear on theWindows
Share filesand choosewhetherpeople
canview or edit them
Access your PC’s desktoponamobilebysetting
thedesktoplocation to OneDrive
Filescan be movedtoother online storage
services from theiOS OneDrive app
If yousee wordsthatlook like
they’vebeentyped in a
typewriter,followthe instructions
andtypethemexactlyas they
appear,paying closeattentionto
spaces andpunctuation.