Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
interpretation in Dead Sea Scrolls,
interpreted by Pharisees, 80-81
Philo on, 271-72
and worship, 72
Moschus son of Moschion, 336, 373
in Aramaic texts, 214
as cultural benefactor to Egypt, 232,
influence on Greek writers, 230
as inventor of alphabet, 233
and Jesus, 411
Josephus on, 310-11
Philo on, 275, 282-83
Mousaeus, 245
Mt. Ebal, 132-33, 326
Mt. Gerazim, 131, 133, 232, 323, 326-27
music, 73
Muslims, 431

Nabatean script, 206
NaFal David, 356
NaFal Harduf, 358
NaFalμever, 356-58
NaFal Mishmar, 358-59
NaFal Se}elim, 358
Nash Papyrus, 361
national epics, 124
Nazoreans, 416
Neapolis, 350
Nearda, 378
Nebuchadnezzar, 309
Neopythagoreans, 281, 283
Nero, 57, 58, 297, 375, 416
New Testament, 391-92
Nicanor, 43
Nicolaus of Damascus, 299, 313, 380
Nisibis, 378
Noncanonical Psalms,91, 213, 219
“normative Judaism,” 5-7
Numbers, Qumran manuscript of, 131-
Numenius, 282

Octavian, 50, 51, 381

Odyssey,124, 127, 264
Old Greek (OG) translation, 128, 134-35,
137, 138, 140, 145, 209
Oniads, 45-46
Onias IV, 45, 46, 334
oral Torah, 80, 424, 430
oral tradition, 121, 122-23, 421, 428
Origen, 130, 185, 263, 314
Orpheus, 245
orthography, 138, 206
Osarseph, 370
ossuaries, 342, 343
Ostia, 100
ostraca, 355, 360, 361-62
otherworldly journeys, 13
“outside books,” apocrypha as, 190, 191
Ovid, 374
Oxyrhynchus, 385

P (source), 140
paintings, 338
palace architecture, 329-30
Paleo-Hebrew script, 131, 135-36, 206,
345-46, 354, 360
Palestine, 113, 117
archaeological material, 323-33, 337-
archaeology, 347-60
Palestinian Archaeological Museum, 359
Palestinian Judaism, 4, 21, 31-32
messianic movements within, 398
in Synoptic Gospels, 391
Paneion, 339
Panion, battle of, 37
Pappus (martyr), 65
papyrus, 206
parabiblical texts, 207, 211-13
parablepsis, 133, 139
Passover, 73, 75-76, 108, 160-61
letters of, 391, 399, 401-5
missionary journeys, 100, 410-11
as Pharisee, 401
Roman citizenship of, 102
and synagogues, 109
Pella tradition, 414, 415


Index of Subjects

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