Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
cessation of, 147
prophets, 125
proselytes, 248
proseuch 3 ,109, 241, 334, 335, 351
Protestant Reformation, 176
Protestants, on Apocrypha, 180, 181, 185,
Proto-Esther, 19
(proto-)Theodotion, 130
providence, 276, 306
Psalms, 91, 125, 135-36
Psalms of Solomon,12, 17, 91, 112
Pseudepigrapha, vii, 5, 9-12, 162, 179,
covenantal nomism in, 7
in rabbinic Judaism, 423
recovery of, 3-4
“signature features” of, 9
pseudepigraphon (term), 201
pseudepigraphy, and Dead Sea Scrolls,
197-99, 214
Pseudo-Eupolemus, 103, 231-32, 238
Pseudo-Hecataeus, 234, 245
Pseudo-Hegesippus, 314, 315
Pseudo-Jubilees, 216
Pseudo-Moses, 19
Pseudo-Orpheus, 234, 235
Pseudo-Phocylides, 229, 234-35, 239,
280, 311
Ptolemaic Empire, 33, 34-36, 61, 79, 99,
323, 381-82
Ptolemy I, 22, 33, 34
Ptolemy II, 35, 36, 104-6, 300, 368
Ptolemy III, 34, 327
Ptolemy IV, 37, 241, 370
Ptolemy V Epiphanes, 325
Ptolemy VI, 45, 334, 371
Ptolemy VIII (Euergetes II), 370
Ptolemy of Mendes, 370
Publius Petronius, 54
Purim festival, 108
purity, 412, 422
Pythagoras, 194, 245

Q (sayings source), 398, 410, 411

Questions and Answers in Genesis and
Exodus(Philo), 232, 233, 255, 260-63,
265, 268-69
Quietus, 64
war of, 64
Qumran, 14, 16, 19, 130-37, 151, 204, 354-
55, 361, 399.See alsoKhirbet Qumran
archaeological material, 339-40
commentaries, 89
legal texts, 88
liturgical texts, 432-33
pseudepigraphy among, 197-99
and rabbinic Judaism, 422-23
scribal practice, 206-7

rabbinic Judaism, 1, 420-34
exegesis, 427-29
and Second Temple issues, 423-33
rabbinic literature, 3
on apocalyptic tradition, 12
Raphael (angel), 87
recensions, 210
religious freedom, in Diaspora, 373
Renaissance, 176
repetition, in Scripture, 170-71
restoration, from exile, 154-55
resurrection, 82, 392
retribution, 276
return, from Diaspora, 112-15
revelation, 147
Revelation (book of ), 408-9
Reworked Pentateuch,136-37, 208, 210
“rewritten bible,” 18, 89-90, 211-13, 225,
264, 268, 305, 428
Roman Catholics
on Apocrypha, 180-81
on “Deuterocanonicals,” 185, 188, 191,
Roman citizenship, 102, 375, 380
Roman Empire, 48, 49, 56, 114, 373-75,
386-89, 408
Romanization, of Judean tradition, 313
Roman Jews, 62
Romans, Josephus on, 297-99
Rome, Jews in, 374-75
Rufinus, 185, 187


Index of Subjects

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