ASTRONEWS Time = 1.00 tbin Time = 2.33 tbin Time = 3.00 tbin Time = 1.67 tbin WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 21 Predicting supermassive black ...
WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 23 How do planets get their water? Scientists are looking for evidence in the light from white dwarfs. by Nola ...
24 ASTRONOMY • JUNE 2018 Where’s the water from? Despite our familiarity with our own planet, scientists still don’t know the so ...
WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 25 leftover heat means they’ll spend billions of years cooling. Unlike stars, the atmospheres of white dwarfs ...
26 ASTRONOMY • JUNE 2018 our inner solar system: rocky, iron-rich material that resembled the cores of busted-up planets, with o ...
Wavelength (microns) Brightness Debris cloud White dwarf 110 1 10 WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 27 third of all white dwarfs. Unlike their m ...
28 ASTRONOMY • JUNE 201 8 Astronomers have studied the giant planet’s captured asteroids only from afar. That’s about to change. ...
Sun Jupiter L 4 Troja ns As ter oid belt^ Centrifu gal force lines Polar view L1 L 4 L 5 L 3 L 2 L 5 Troja ns 30 ASTRONOMY • JUN ...
1 astronomical unit Planets not to scale Asteroid belt Trojan Camp (L5 Trojans) Greek Camp (L4 Trojans) Sun Mars Jupiter WWW.AST ...
1 23 4 5 6 7 October 2021 Launch August 2027 Eurybates (L4 Trojan) September 2027 Polymele (L4 Trojan) April 2028 Leucus (L4 Tro ...
WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 33 record building spacecraft for NASA, including the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample-return mission, the 2001 Mars ...
VENUS Name Location Discoverer Diameter (m) Notes 2013 ND 15 L4 WISE ~40–100 Temporary; eccentric orbit crosses orbits of Mercur ...
WWW.ASTRONOMY.COMWWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 3535 April 2028, the spacecraft will visit Leucus, which is 21 miles (34 km) wide and very da ...
Late June, 10 P.M. Looking southeast SAGITTARIUS OPHIUCHUS AQUILA SCORPIUS Antares Saturn 10° Saturn at its peak (^) 36 ASTRONOM ...
Beautiful noctilucent clouds Aristillus and Autolycus WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 37 METEORWATCH June offers no major meteor showers, but ...
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PATHOF THE PLANETS The planets in the sky These illustrations show the size, phase, and orientation of each planet and the two b ...
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