ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR 1 IFTTT acts as a link between multiple channels, which at present include mobile phone apps, social ...
42 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 your phone. Sometimes you need to download additional channels or authorise certain apps to work w ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR 3 the embarrassment of having your phone go o in the middle of an important meeting? This can never ...
ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 “ ” The best way to check out IFTTT is to try it for yourself and see which recipes might simplify yo ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR 45 Smartglasses just got exciting... ...And then Google dropped Glass. But this is not the end for sm ...
6 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 passers by and the whopping price tag of £1,000 just to fi nd a slightly speedier route without us ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR translation app, which made me imagine what life would be like if everyone wore smartglasses. Pict ...
ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 around the world, which is certainly feasible when you consider the uptake of smartphones and tabl ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR 49 using virtual reality, for instance, or famous fi gures could appear in front of your eyes wearing ...
0 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 Google Glass vs Sony SmartEyeglass vs Toshiba Glass We look at the di erences between Google Glas ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR 1 quiting the smartglasses market completely. In fact, it's working on a new, improved version of it ...
52 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 We'll start with Google, which has a prism projector that fl oats in front of the wearer's right e ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR 3 Instead of having a prism of glass protruding in front of your face, the Toshiba Glass manages to ...
54 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 Google and Toshiba o erings. It's clever though, projecting the image along the lens through the ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR tech, particularly when you're going to be wearing it on your face... Google Glass is one of the most ...
6 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 The battery and other essential technology is housed in a separate component connected through a w ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR of the component on the side of the glasses that can detect swipes, taps and double taps. The smar ...
ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 found in the puck-shaped external component, while the Toshiba Glass seems to lack a speaker and m ...
ISSUE 10 • ANDROID ADVISOR 59 make following recipes easy and discovering local cuisine while travelling were demoed too. Price ...
60 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 10 £134 • geekbuying.com • Review: UMI Zero The world's thinnest dual-SIM phone proves budget Chinese ...
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