
(lu) #1

Index 385

ranking problem, 279
self-classifiers, 278
three species problems, 278–280
zoological hegemony, 280
Philosophy of species, development of, 283–339
abstract objects, 299
asexual microbial species, 317–330
biospecies, 305
branching random walks, 321–324
cladogram, 291
classes in biology, 294–295
clouds, clades, and grades (natural kinds or
natural groups), 289–301
Core Genome Hypothesis or Genomic Island
Hypothesis, 324
deviation from a natural state, 301
DNA fragment reuptake, 323
ecospecies, 305
epistemology of species, 305
evolutionary species, 305
family resemblance, 312–315
functional or cohesive individuals, 288
generative conception of species, 307
genetic species, 305
historical essentialism, 301
Homeostatic Property Cluster kinds,
indiscernibles, 295–301
individual, cohesive, or concrete, 288–289
intensionally defined grouping, 290
Intrinsic Biological Essentialism, 302–303
jointly sufficient and severally necessary
properties, 290
metaphysical or logical individuals, 288
morphospecies, 305
names and nomenclature, 309–312
natural boundaries, 293–294
“new” essentialisms, 301–304
number of species concepts, 305–308
ontology of species, 305
origin essentialism, 301
phenomenal individuals, 288
philosophical background, 285–287
phylogenetic species concept, 305
phylo-phenetic species concept (polyphasic
species concept), 324–326
phylotype, 321
polythetic set, 284
polytypic set, 284
population thinking, 284
problem of cohesion, 319–320
process structuralism, 301
Qua problem, 315 –317
Quasispecies Model, 326–330
Recombination Model, 323–324, 328
reproductive reach, 307
Respeciation Problem, 286

species definitions as sociological markers,
taxa and kind terms, 290–293
taxonomic species, 305
terminology, 309
three-domain hypothesis, 318
Wittgenstein and resemblance, 312–314
Phylogenetic species concepts, 241–253, 305
“agamotaxa,” 247
apomorphic species concept, 243
autapomorphic species, 249–251
Hennig Convention, 246
Hennigian, or internodal, species, 244–247
internodality, 247
ontology–epistemology aspects of species,
operational taxonomic units, 244
phylogenetic taxon (synapomorphic) species,
plesiomor phy, 2 42
synapomorphic concept, 243
taxon level, or rank, 251
Phylogenetic taxon species, 247–249, 375
Phylospecies (PSC), 370
Phylum, coining of term, 365
Physiological species, 348
Pluralism, monism versus, 280–281
Polyphasic species concept, 258, 324–326
Polythetic set, 284
Polytypic set, 284
Population thinking, 284
Porphyry’s comb, 24
Post-Linnaean ranks, 365–366
Poulton, Edward Bagnall, 194
Prichard, James, 129–130
Primum of the genus, 49–50
Principle of plenitude, 52
Process structuralism, 301
Prokaryotes, 318
Propagation from seed, 73–77
Prototypical conceptions of species, 347

Qua problem, 315 –317
Quasispecies Model, 326–330

“Race circles,” 204
Ramus, Peter, 54–56
Ranking problem, 279
Rank of species, 212
Ray, John, 73–77
Realism, see Species realism
Real and nominal essences, 70–73
Recognition species, 375
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