They dabbled in the dark arts of social engineering They opened the doors to a little grey invasion of Britain In November 1859, ...
Welcome to the In deepest Devon sick and orphaned bats are given a second chance at life. Ben Hoare meets a wildlife hero bat ca ...
Clockwise from top left: Sam inspects a bat that had become stuck to flypaper; gently cleaning a newly arrived brown long-eared ...
Luckily, with a little ‘tlc’ the teeniest scraps of skin, bone and fur can be saved Adult males – “hormonal dads” Sam calls them ...
“It’s transformed what I can do,” Sam says. She finishes feeding her newborn, pulls on a pair of cotton gloves, then oh-so-gentl ...
the case of long-eared bats, glean it from foliage, they must be taught how to cope with this strange alternative diet. Training ...
Dan Falk and Jamie Carter discuss the moment when day turned into night across North America μ THE GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE μ μ μ ...
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PHOTOS: NASA, GETTY, ALAMY BELOW: Faurot Field, home to the Missouri University Tigers football team, hosted an eclipse-viewing ...
ABOVE: The path of totality can be seen by the wide grey strip BELOW: The Moon completely obscures the Sun’s disc at totality, b ...
an hour or so before the Sun disappears, the quality of the light changes, shadows get sharper and the temperature drops. Dogs b ...
Missed experiencing the main event? Fear not, here are some alternatives WHAT TO DO IF YOU COULDN’T TRAVEL TO THE PATH OF TOTALI ...
As well as sitting back and enjoying the spectacle, here’s how people took part in some citizen science HOW PEOPLE GOT INVOLVED ...
just outside the path, but many people were likely to drop by for a visit before or afterward. Another big unknown, apart from t ...
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ost kindly described as ‘saggy sausages with legs and teeth’, naked mole rats are one of the strangest looking animals on Earth. ...
30°C. As a result, they’ve evolved to dispense with the effort of maintaining the body temperature of around 37°C that’s found i ...
PHOTO: LORNA FAULKES ILLUSTRATIONS: LINDSAY LEIGH “I had an old one die the other day, but by the time I found him it wasn’t ver ...
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