Vol. 9 Issue 10Vol. 9 Issue 10 41 ...
Zebras gallop past mysterious grass-ringed patches known as ‘fairy circles’. According to one story told by the Ovahimba tribe, ...
FAR LEFT: The quiver tree is an aloe species with thick, succulent leaves growing from the end of tall branches. Lifting the lea ...
The desert elephant is not a distinct species, but individuals tend to have longer legs and smaller bodies than other African el ...
RIGHT: To obtain enough water and seasonal food, giraffes in the arid northern Namib Desert must walk much farther than those in ...
LEFT: The gemsbok can allow its body temperature to reach 45°C before starting to sweat, and a large area of veined tissue in it ...
A c16th-century painting of Isabella of Castile, “who imposed order on a chaotic country, where monarchs had been weak and whose ...
She was one half of a 15th-century power couple that united Spain and helped propel the west towards global dominance. Of all Eu ...
Christopher Columbus meets Ferdinand and Isabella in a detail from a tapestry. It was with Isabella’s patronage that the sailor ...
rival) they shared power as, in effect, equals enabling them to ride off separately in order to raise troops, chivvy allies and ...
alongside Ferdinand. She built up a contingent of artillery so powerful that it turned the art of medieval warfare on its head. ...
Scan this QR Code for the audio reader Panpsychism – the idea that all matter, including rocks and particles, is conscious – is ...
The theory of panpsychism gives consciousness to all matter, including the Easter Island statues Vol. 9 Issue 10Vol. 9 Issue 10 ...
hen I was small I often entertained the idea that the Moon was alive and observing me. On my way home from school, I enjoyed loo ...
Many children exhibit animism, which is the belief that rocks, trees and inanimate objects have feelings “Accordiinngg to one ve ...
these fundamental questions. To use a metaphor, the mystery of consciousness is about explaining the ‘magic of turning the water ...
Yujin is a professor of philosophy at the University of Birmingham. His new book Miracles: A Very Short Introduction will be out ...
How the Victorians ruined the world We think of Britain’s 19th-century ancestors as great engineers and scientists but, asks Kat ...
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