Australian Business & Money Making Opportunities — May-June-July 2017

(Ben Green) #1


houghts are things. As true
as the law of gravity, this is
one of the fundamental laws
in the universe. Whatever you
believe with feeling, you bring into
your life.

And like gravity, you don’t have to
believe in it for it to always be working in
your life. Take gravity for example. If you
were to step off a ten-story building, the
law of gravity would take over and you
would fall ten stories to the ground. Again,
whether you believed in gravity or not.
And it is the same with the law of
thought. Take your sales career, for exam-
ple. Isn’t it true that what you think about
your company, about the leads, about the
market, and especially about your income

is exactly how you find it to be in your
life? Now you may say that you think
about everything the way it is because,
well, that’s the way it
is at your job.
But what if it was
that way because that’s
the way you think
about it?
My experience has
been (and thousands of
others I have worked
with over the years),
that when I decided to make more money,
and was committed to putting in the time
and effort required for me to achieve that
goal, then I started thinking about things
(and seeing them) entirely differently.
And as soon as I started thinking and

believing differently, my results automati-
cally changed to reflect my new way of
Suddenly the leads weren’t as bad as I
thought they were. Instead, I just worked
them smarter and qualified better.
Suddenly the market wasn’t the problem
(there were still top producers outperform-
ing all others in our company, after all), it
actually was the way I had been closing.
And once I visualised myself earning a
higher income, I achieved it.
The key to my success and to using my
thoughts to bring something new into my
life, was to stay focused on the feeling of
having already
achieved it. The
more I could
consistently do
this, the faster I
manifested it in
my life.
And that’s
when I learned
about the five
second rule. I found that it was natural for
me to fall back on my old thought patterns.
But when I did, I gave myself five seconds
to refocus on my new income goal. I kept
returning, time and again, to my new goal
and my new thoughts and feelings of hav-
ing already achieved my goal.
By doing this, I was (and still am) able to
bring new results into my life. And it’s
because thoughts are things. Whatever you
believe with feeling, you bring into your life.
If you want to change any result or cir-
cumstance in your life, then first decide
how you want it to be different (get a spe-
cific goal), and then surround yourself
with all the thoughts and feelings of what
it will be like to achieve it. The moment
you find yourself thinking of something
negative or not in alignment with your
goal, get back to that image within five
It will take some practice, but the more
consistently you can change your
thoughts, the sooner you will turn those
thoughts into the things in your life.

The Five

Second Rule

by Mike Brooks

Mike is the go-to inside sales trainer and
phone script writer in the industry. He is
hired by business owners to implement
proven sales processes that help them
immediately scale and grow Multi-Million
Dollar Inside Sales Teams. If you’re looking
to catapult your sales, or create a sales
team that actually makes their monthly
revenues, then learn how by visiting: Copyright
(c) 2017 Mr. Inside Sales

Australian Opportunities Magazine • M/J/J 2017 • • 37


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