Guide to Wellness – July 2019

(singke) #1

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26 Healthy Eating for Life

Making small changes to

your diet can have a big

impact on your health. Fol-

low these expert tips to

supercharge your nutrition

without sacrifi cing the foods

you love. Plus: Five super-

simple slim-down secrets.

32 Natural Remedies:

Your A-Z Guide

Have you ever wondered

how eff ective alternative

treatments such as acupunc-

ture, cupping, herbal medi-

cines, and supplements are?

Here’s a look at which rem-

edies can off er real relief and

which are risky, unproven,

or a waste of money.

42 The Next Frontier
in Pain Relief?
CBD—an extract of
cannabis—is in everything
these days, from tinctures
to creams, to teas, with
claims of benefi ts for pain
relief, insom nia, anxiety,
and more. We analyzed the
research to better under-
stand health ramifi cations.

48 Medical Tests You Do
(and Don’t) Need
Some health screenings

save your life, but others are
unnecessary or can even
be dangerous. Learn which
tests to get and which you’re
better off skipping.

58 Sleep Better —
Starting Tonight!
If you’re like many sleep-
deprived Americans, this
guide will help you discover
which sleep strategies work—
and don’t. Plus: Exclusive rat-
ings from our tests reveal the
best mattresses and sheets.

72 Run for Your Life
Even moderate exercise can
improve your well-being.
Our advice will help you
get (and stay) more active,
and our ratings of the best
treadmills and ellipticals will
guide you to the best
equipment for your needs
and budget.

78 Turn Up Your Brainpower
These six easy steps will
help you maintain—or even
improve—your memory and
thinking skills, for life.

ON THE COVERMain image:
Getty Images. Side panel im-
ages, top to bottom: Christo-
pher Testani; Depositphotos;
Shutterstock; Craig Cutler;

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