
(Martin Jones) #1

After sustaining some injuries, as a firefighter and
former professional Roller Derby skater, I’ve lived and

suffered from chronic pain for years. To not only
cope with and distract myself from it I began to seek
out things I could do to become more mobile and
lessen the pain. I felt the need to fill the void in my life
of no longer being able to be a firefighter and also do
certain other things I was once able to do. I also
wanted to be able to be creative so as “one door
closed another opened” and I revisited two of my past
loves, drawing and photography and that is what has
led me to today.

I love drawing people’s faces most of all and my
subjects range from those of beautiful women to

those who are not so attractive, to say the least. I
often draw faces of actors and actresses while they’re
in character which lends to some very emotive
expressions. I also love photography and capturing not
only the faces of people but also those of all different
types of animals. The scope of my photography is
much wider though than that of my drawing because I
also love to photograph just about any and everything

out there from landscapes to sports and pretty much
anything else in between.
My drawings, which are mainly portraits, are drawn in
mixed media where I combine color pencils, pastels,
and charcoal. More recently, with the aid of
Photoshop, I’ve begun to combine some of my
portraits with photos I’ve taken. As for my
photography, I recently purchased a powerful zoom
lens which allows me to get so much closer to
individual subject matter I was never able to before.

I hope my works and situation inspire others to seek
out and enjoy the world and all its wonders along with
fighting on even though faced with their own obstacle
or obstacles. I feel that by focusing one’s attention on
positive things and being creative instead of focusing
on all the negativity and destructive things in the world
or becoming lazy, one will enjoy life more and
hopefully be motivated to help make the world a
better place."

“Baby Patas Monkey On Guard” - Photography
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