Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Community and Accountability


Gather a Group
Having a morning accountability buddy is great, but you
can find even more accountability and inspiration in a small
group of women dedicated to growth in the Lord and dedi-
cated to one another. You might already have a community
at your church or in your friend group or family. But many
others don’t have that. If that is you, don’t be afraid to build
your own group.
The beauty of the age we live in is that community can be
found in so many shapes and forms.

  • Local group
    It’s rainy and cold here in Waco today. I’m snuggling
    with my hazelnut coffee in a small booth at Panera. Yes,
    snuggling with coffee. Don’t judge.
    Ironically, as I try to write this chapter on community,
    community is the very thing keeping me from writing.
    The thing about living in a small Southern city is that
    everyone knows everyone. Well, practically. It’s hard to
    go somewhere without running into a friend. I thought
    6:00 a.m. would insulate me from too much conversa-
    tion. And it sort of did. I haven’t seen anyone I know, but
    apparently, 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning is prime
    time for friendly older farmers to congregate at Panera.
    I do love how they are so encouraging to one another.
    Sharing their hog- maintenance wisdom, offering tractor
    tips, and swapping stories.
    You know who’s loud? Friendly, elderly farmers. You
    know who I didn’t expect to sabotage my writing time at
    Panera? Friendly, elderly farmers. They are at two tables

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