A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

3-5 minutes

Bene ts

This pose stretches the hips and groin.

Risks and Contraindications

This pose is contraindicated for students with lower-back pain and those
with hip, knee, or ankle pain or injuries. Modify the pose if you have tight
hips or an ankle injury or experience pain.

Alignment Points

  • Begin on all fours and bring one shin forward, resting it toward the
    top of the mat. Flex the front foot to activate the shin and protect
    the knee.

  • Extend the back leg straight, keeping the top of the foot  at on the
     oor and the toes spread.

  • Align the shoulders directly over the sacrum, relax the shoulders
    back, and spread through the front of the chest as both sides of the
    waist lift. Keep the pelvis facing forward.

  • Slowly lower the chest toward the  oor and keep the sternum mov-
    ing forward to lengthen the spine. Use the forearms for support or
    rest the chest on the  oor.

  • Soften the gaze or gently close the eyes.

  • Repeat on the other side.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • If you have tight hips and are unable to sustain the pose without
    strain, place a block, folded blanket, or bolster under the front hip
    for support. You can also place a block under the back upper thigh.

  • If you have knee or ankle injuries or pain, perform reclining pigeon
    (page 140) or deer pose (page 122) as a modi cation.

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