A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
3-5 minutes
Bene ts
This pose provides a stretch through a unique internal hip rotation.
Risks and Contraindications
Modify the pose if you have hip, knee, or lower-back pain.
Alignment Points

  • Begin on all fours, and cross one knee in front of the other. Lean forward
    and hug the inner thighs toward each other while spreading the feet
    wider than the hips.

  • Sit the hips between the heels and press the tops of the feet into the
     oor. Rotate the pinkie toes toward the mat and point the feet toward
    the back of the mat.

  • Anchor the sitz bones and lift both sides of the waist while softening the
    front of the ribs downward.

  • Draw the crown of the head toward the ceiling, keeping the chin parallel
    to the  oor, and relax the shoulders back.

  • Rest the hands on the inner arches of the feet and allow the torso to tilt
    forward until you  nd your edge.

  • Repeat with the other leg on top.


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