A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

3-5 minutes

Bene ts

This pose is a gentle backbend that supports overall spine health and
provides awareness of the shoulder girdle.

Risks and Contraindications

This pose is contraindicated for students who are pregnant.

Alignment Points

  • Begin on the belly and slide the forearms forward, aligning the
    elbows directly under the shoulders, middle  ngers pointing ahead,
    and all four corners of the hand pressing evenly into the mat.

  • Draw the heart forward by pressing down and then into the fore-
    arms and drawing the elbows back.

  • Press the pubic bone into the  oor and lengthen the lower back by
    tilting the pelvis toward the face.

  • Draw the shoulders away from the ears, relax the tops of the feet
    onto the  oor, and roll the inner thighs up and outer thighs down.

  • Feel the lower belly lift, bringing the backbend into the upper back.

  • Gaze directly ahead or allow the chin to tilt slightly down.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • To relax the neck, place a block under the forehead for support.

  • If you experience discomfort as the frontal hip points press into the
     oor, place a blanket under that area to add extra cushion.

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