A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration
2-5 minutes
Bene ts
This pose stretches the psoas, hip  exors, and quadriceps and it can be
good for relieving sciatica. It is also bene cial for the pelvis.
Risks and Contraindications
Modify this pose if you have knee pain or tight ankles.
Alignment Points

  • Begin on all fours with the spine in neutral position and step one
    foot forward, stacking the front knee directly above the front ankle.

  • Allow the back knee to rest on the mat.

  • Slide the knee along the mat so it is behind the sitz bones.

  • Draw the chest forward and broaden the collarbones while relaxing
    the hands on top of the front thigh.

  • Repeat on the other side.
    Modi cations and Other Options

  • If the back knee feels like it’s grinding into the  oor, place a blanket
    under it to provide extra cushion and comfort.

  • To lessen the intensity of the pose, place the hands on top of blocks
    for support.

  • To increase the intensity, use low dragon pose by bringing both
    hands to the inside of the front foot and sliding the front foot a little
    toward the outside edge of the mat. Bend both elbows, allowing
    the torso to drop down toward the  oor (1). If needed, place a block
    under the forearms for support.

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