A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1




Nadi means pathway or channel. Shodhana means cleansing. Nadi
shodhana helps to purify the right and left channels of the body, bringing
them into balance. Because nadi shodhana balances both hemispheres
of the brain, it is a powerful pranayama.
Benefi ts
This breathing technique calms and centers the mind and brings it back
to the present. It works therapeutically for most circulatory and respira-
tory problems and maintains body temperature. It also releases accumu-
lated stress, balances the logical and emotional sides of our personali-
ties, and contributes to an overall  ow of prana throughout the body.

  • Start by emptying the lungs on an exhale. Close the right nostril
    with the right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril for four counts,
    and then hold for two counts.

  • Seal the left nostril with the right ring  nger and exhale through the
    right nostril for four counts, and then hold for two counts.

  • Inhale through the right nostril for four counts, and then hold for
    two counts.

  • Seal the right nostril with the right thumb and exhale through the
    left nostril for four counts, and then hold for two counts.

  • Repeat the cycle eight times.

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