A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


This is a powerful pranayama for opening the pranavaha srotas (respira-
tory channels), giving equal emphasis on both the inhalations and exhala-
tions as you pump air in and out through the nose. The focus of attention
should be on the chest and lungs. Throughout the practice, the body
should remain steady, especially the shoulders and chest. Only the lungs,
diaphragm, and abdomen should move. The face should be as relaxed
as possible: in other words, no scary Halloween faces!

Benefi ts

Breath of  re strengthens the diaphragm and stimulates the heart, in-
creasing blood circulation. It massages the brain and stimulates the circu-
lation of cerebral  uid. The powerful pumping of the breath puri es cells
by washing out stagnant waste gases. It helps to clear away mucus in the
sinuses and builds up greater resistance against colds and other respira-
tory disorders. It improves digestion and accelerates metabolic activity.
Regular practice of breath of  re strengthens the nervous system.


  • For 60 seconds, breathe rapidly in and out through the nose and
    allow the belly to pump in and out.

  • Emphasize both inhalation and exhalation.

  • Bring your awareness to the chest and lungs.

  • If you feel overly dizzy, slow down and allow the pumping of the
    breath to soften.

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