A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1



Similar to breath of  re, kapalabhati is considered to be a kriya (cleans-
ing exercise), but it is often used in pranayama practice. When I studied
pranayama in depth with my teacher Srivatsa Ramaswami, we commonly
started with this practice before transitioning into others. For this exer-
cise, breathe in and out through the nose, emphasizing the exhalations
by imagining a blacksmith’s bellows forcefully pumping the air out. The
primary focus should be on the nasal cavity, and the breaths should be
almost like simulated sneezes. This practice is said to be the destroyer of
all mucous disorders. Also, it activates the pituitary and pineal glands by
invigorating the brain.
Benefi ts
Kapalabhati massages the brain by compressing and decompressing
the cerebrospinal  uid. It puri es the cells and lungs by expelling waste
gases. The vitality of the cells is animated as the blood is saturated with
an abundance of oxygen. It raises the alkalinity of the blood chemistry by
releasing carbon dioxide out of the body. It keeps the spongy tissue of
the lungs supple. Similar to breath of  re, it cleans the sinuses and respi-
ratory passages. It tones the abdominal organs and massages the dia-
phragm and liver. Skull shining breath invigorates the brain and awakens
subtle perception.

  • Pump air in and out through the nose, emphasizing the exhalations.
    The inhalations should be a natural re ex.

  • Focus your attention on your nose and nasal passages.

  • Perform one round of 36 kapalabhati repetitions, and then take  ve
    ujjayi recovery breaths.

  • Repeat this cycle twice more for a total of 108 kapalabhati repeti-

  • If you experience dizziness, slow down and soften the kapalabhati

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