A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

Both of the following sun salutations are a great way to warm up the body and pro-
duce a yang effect. More vigorous than the mountain pose (tadasana) series, these
sequences are often experienced in a vinyasa or power yoga practice. The poses will
strengthen and lengthen major muscle groups. As you move through the poses, the
heart rate will quicken, increasing blood circulation through the body and providing
a cardio effect. To prevent injuries, it is advisable to learn the proper alignment for
the poses from a qualified instructor. Take your time for the first round of each sun


  1. Begin in mountain pose
    with hands in prayer po-
    sition. Take a few deep
    breaths in and out through
    the nose, activating ujjayi
    2. Inhale and sweep the
    arms overhead to upward
    3. Exhale and dive into
    standing forward bend.
    4. Inhale and pull the
    spine up and out into half
    forward bend. You can
    leave the fingers on the
    floor or bring the hands
    to the shins.

5 a. Exhale and step back into a
push-up position for plank.

5 b. On the same exhalation,
lower slowly to the ground using
the upper-body muscles.

  1. Inhale and lift the chest and
    slide the shoulders back into co-

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