A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

salutation. In the first round, the setup round, take a few breaths in each pose.
Here you can focus on proper alignment. After you have moved through the
setup round, you can flow through it for another two to four cycles. During
the flow cycles, coordinate one breath with one movement. In India, these
sequences are used as an expression of giving gratitude and honoring the
sun for its light and energy. While flowing through the movements, explore
bringing a devotional quality so that it becomes a moving prayer.

  1. Exhale and press into a push-
    up and come in to downward
    dog (p. 162).
    8. Inhale and press the hips
    back in downward dog.
    9. Exhale and step both feet
    forward into standing forward

  2. Inhale and pull the
    spine up and out into half
    forward bend.

  3. Exhale and release
    the torso into standing
    forward bend.

  4. Inhale and rise to
    standing and sweep the
    arms overhead into up-
    ward salute.

  5. Exhale and return to
    mountain pose, with the
    hands in prayer position.
    Repeat steps 1 through
    13 two to four more times,
    linking the breath with
    the movement.

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