A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)


  1. Begin in mountain pose, with
    hands in prayer position. Take
    a few deep breaths in and out
    through the nose, activating uj-
    jayi breath.
    2. Inhale and bend the knees,
    squat back, and lift the arms
    overhead into chair.
    3. Exhale and dive into standing
    forward bend.

  2. Inhale and pull the spine up
    and out into half forward bend.
    Leave the fingers on the floor or
    bring the hands to the shins.

5 a. Exhale and step back into a
push-up position for plank.

5 b. On the same exhalation, low-
er slowly to the ground using the
upper-body muscles.

  1. Inhale and lift the chest up
    and slide the shoulders back into
    7. Exhale, push into a push-up,
    and draw the hips back into down-
    ward dog.
    8. Inhale and lift the right leg par-
    allel to the floor into three-legged
    downward dog.

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