A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

  1. Exhale and step the right foot
    forward between the hands and
    turn the back foot, keeping it flat
    to the mat.
    10. Inhale and rise to standing
    with the arms reaching up into
    warrior I.
    11. Exhale and lower the hands
    to the floor, step the right foot
    back, and lower with control to
    the floor.

  2. Inhale and lift the chest and
    slide the shoulders back into co-
    13. Exhale, press into a push-
    up, and draw the hips back into
    downward dog.
    14. Inhale and lift the left leg
    parallel to the floor into three-
    legged downward dog.

  3. Exhale and step the left foot
    forward between the hands and
    turn the back foot, keeping it flat
    to the mat.

  4. Inhale and rise to standing,
    with the arms reaching up into
    warrior I.

  5. Exhale and lower the hands
    to the floor, step the left foot
    back, and lower with control to
    the floor.

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