A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

  1. Inhale and lift the chest and
    slide the shoulders back into co-
    19. Exhale, and come into down-
    ward dog (page 162) and press
    into a push-up.
    20. Inhale and press the hips
    back in downward dog.

  2. Exhale and step both feet
    forward into standing forward
    22. Inhale and pull the spine up
    and out into half forward bend.
    23. Exhale and release the torso
    into standing forward bend.

  3. Inhale and bend the knees,
    squat back, and lift the arms into

  4. Exhale and stand up, return-
    ing to mountain pose with the
    hands in prayer position. Repeat
    steps 1 through 25 two to four
    more times.

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