A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Warrior Dance Flow

The warrior dance flow is a fun and invigorating continuation of sun salutations A
and B. For those days when you feel like you have extra stress to release, you can
move directly into this sequence after sun salutations A and B. Just as in the previous
two sequences, allow the first round to be your setup cycle where you take your
time to focus on the alignment. Next, focus on rhythm and finding your flow. The
intention of this sequence is to tap into the strength and power of the warrior. Enjoy!

  1. Picking up at the end
    of sun salutation B, start
    in mountain pose with
    hands at prayer.
    2. Inhale, bend the knees
    to squat back, and lift the
    arms into chair.
    3. Exhale and dive into
    standing forward bend.
    4. Inhale and pull the
    spine up and out into half
    forward bend.

5 a. Exhale and step back into a
push-up position for plank.

5 b. On the same exhalation, lower
slowly to the ground using the up-
per-body muscles.

  1. Inhale and lift the chest and
    slide the shoulders back into co-

  2. Exhale, press into a push-up,
    and draw the hips back into down-
    ward dog.

  3. Inhale and lift the right leg
    parallel to the floor into three-
    legged downward dog.

  4. Exhale and step the right foot
    forward between the hands and
    turn the back foot, keeping it flat
    to the mat.

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