A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Warrior Dance Flow

  1. Inhale and rise to standing,
    with the arms reaching up into
    warrior I.
    11. Exhale and open the chest to
    the left and spread the arms into
    warrior II.
    12. Inhale and rotate the front
    palm up, lean back, and place the
    left hand on the back leg, moving
    into reverse warrior.

  2. Exhale and move back
    through warrior II, rest the right
    forearm on top on the front
    thigh, and extend the top arm
    forward into modified extended
    side angle.

  3. Inhale and return to reverse

  4. Exhale and windmill the
    hands to the floor, step the right
    foot back, and lower with con-
    trol to the floor.

  5. Inhale and lift the chest and
    slide the shoulders back into co-
    17. Exhale, press into a push-
    up, and draw the hips back into
    downward dog.
    18. Inhale and lift the left leg
    parallel to the floor into three-
    legged downward dog.

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