Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

Judaizing Christians 8, 260
Judas 86
Judenhut 171
‘Judgement of the Jews’ 147
just war ix, 4, 103, 104, 180, 181n105, 267

Kabbalah 25n122, 29n9
Kalonymos Bar Yehuda 99
Karol Jozef Wojtyla xix
‘Kiddush ha-Shem’ 98nn186–7, 192, 195,
98n198; see also Qiddush ha-Shem
King Charles of Sicily 160n161
King Solomon 91
Kingdom of Aragon 72, 94
Kingdom of Castile 127, 156, 172
Kingdom of France 17, 148, 200
Kingdom of Hungary 175
Kingdom of Navarre 232
Kingdom of Portugal 174, 177, 212
Kingdom of Sicily 139, 171, 228, 258
King’s Lynn 44n87, 117
Knights Hospitaller 133, 160n161
kosher law 37

laity 173, 238
Languedoc 71, 88n125, 129
Las Navas de Tolosa 125
Las Siete Partidas 91, 94
later Middle Ages 9n43, 14, 256
Lateran 19, 233, 234, 236–8, 240
Lateran Basilica 233, 234, 237
Lateran Councils 9, 15, 17, 19, 68, 95, 107,
125–7, 129, 143, 151, 155, 161, 162, 164,
165, 169, 172, 177, 178, 182, 182n111,
183, 192, 209, 227, 232, 244, 245, 254,
263, 273
Lateran I (First Lateran Council) 19, 232
Lateran II (Second Lateran Council) 19,
142, 177
Lateran III (Third Lateran Council) 9, 15, 17, 19,
19n91, 142, 143, 165, 167n14, 164, 168, 171,
178, 182, 182n11, 183, 184, 244, 245, 254
Lateran IV (Fourth Lateran Council) 15, 19,
19n91, 20, 20nn96–7, 52, 68, 69, 72, 94,
95, 107, 123, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 137,
138, 140, 143, 149, 151, 152, 154–9, 161,
162, 169, 171–5, 177–9, 182, 183, 184,
188, 192, 193, 209, 227, 263, 245
Lateran palace 233, 234, 236
Latin xvii, 77, 106, 133, 196, 213, 219, 223,
235, 239, 240, 242, 262n101
Latin Christianity 42, 249
Latin churches 111
Latin Empire 121, 157
Latin kingdoms / Latin States 123, 156
Latin texts 22n107, 47n103, 66n1, 71, 102n8,
194n207, 272
Latin West 30
Latins 239
laudes 235, 238–40, 240n104, 242, 243

laws 5, 6, 13, 15, 23–4, 37, 48, 51, 52, 58, 60,
74–6, 79, 90, 103–7, 112, 147, 160–3, 166,
169, 171, 174, 180–7, 189, 192, 195, 197,
199–202, 206, 208, 217, 234, 238, 239,
241, 247, 257, 270
Ledesma 140, 177
legal rights 75, 211
legal texts 17n79, 103, 160n162, 180
legates 4, 61, 111, 119, 120, 122, 123, 125,
128, 131, 149, 150, 158, 185n140, 195,
201–4, 224
legends 28, 30, 32–9, 41, 56, 65, 70n30,
83n94, 86, 111
legislation 2, 10, 14n62, 19, 20, 27, 28, 49, 69,
70, 72, 75, 75n54, 76, 92, 93, 95, 97, 107,
122, 127, 128, 130, 142, 143, 149, 152,
154–6, 154n120, 158, 159, 161, 162, 164,
170–3, 175, 177–80, 189, 191, 192, 210,
218, 227, 245, 261, 267, 273
legitimate authority 103
Leicester 68, 210
lending at interest 12n55 17, 38, 120, 145,
146, 150, 152, 155, 160, 161, 190n183
Lent 38, 141, 196, 197
Leo, son of the Jewish convert Baruch 229
Leo I, the Great, pope 252
Leo IX, pope 239, 240
Leo VII, pope 10, 208, 208n13, 275
León 86n113, 125, 140, 159, 177, 193,
196, 197
lepers 134, 202, 262n101
Lessines 84n101
Leviticus 73, 141, 141n36
Libellus de cerimoniis Aule Imperatoris 235
Liber bellorum Domini contra Iudaeos et contra
Iudaeorum hereticos 14n62
Liber Censuum (Romanae Ecclesiae) of Cencius
Camerarius 138, 227, 236, 238, 239,
240, 242
Liber extra decretalium (Liber extra) 5n21,
17n76, 18n85, 77, 105, 106, 107, 119, 136,
143, 151, 162, 183, 184, 184n133, 185,
185n135, 186, 192, 221, 273
Liber Politicus of Canon Benedict (Benedict
Canonicus) 236
Liber Pontificalis of Cardinal Boso 238
Liber Sextus decretalium 78, 78n65
liberation 111, 111n51, 123
Liberator 247
licentia docendi 93
Liege 159
light of Christ 255
Limoges 67, 228
Lincoln 44n87, 68, 83, 118, 218
Lisbon 176
Lisbon Massacre 135nn183–6, 178nn84, 85, 87
Lisieux 137
literaria 41
liturgy 29, 33n27, 236, 254, 254n34
Livonia 210

Index 313

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