Faces – May 2019

(Frankie) #1

The fur traders of Canada, as well as Native Americans, had to travel
long distances and often needed to carry all their food with them. So
they created a mixture of dried meat pounded into a powder, melted
animal fat, and saskatoon berries, cranberries, cherries, currants,
chokeberries, or blueberries, depending on what was available.
Pemmican keeps for long periods of time and is high in protein and
energy-producing nutrients. It is one of history’s first protein bars.

Sugar on Snow
This favorite Canadian treat, which is also
popular in New England, is sometimes
called maple taffy. It is made by boiling
maple sap past the point where it
becomes syrup, but before it becomes
hard maple sugar. This sweet, thick syrup
is then dribbled over clean snow so that it
hardens into chewy taffy. It is eaten with
a Popsicle stick or a fork. Often it is served
with sour pickles, doughnuts, and coffee
to cut its intense sweetness.

Blackberries and
gooseberries are
mortal adversaries.
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