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Glossary/Index A71

defendant, 494–95 The person or party
who brings a case to court.
rights of, 132–40

defense attorney, right to counsel from,
Defense Department, 428, 461, 470,
472, 474 , 628
Defense of Marriage Act, 182, 185, 499
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA), 374, 375, 376, 414

deflation, 534–35 A decrease in the
general prices of goods and services.

De Jonge v. Oregon, 113

de jure, 173 Relating to actions or
circumstances that occur “by law,”
such as the legally enforced segre-
gation of schools in the American
South before the 1960s.

Delaware, 47, 304, 305, 321

delegate, 380–81 A member of
Congress who loyally represents
constituents’ direct interests.

democracy, 21, 23, 24 Government by the
people. In most contexts, this means
representative democracy in which
the people elect leaders to enact
policies. Democracies must have fair
elections with at least two options.
media in, 253
and nation building, 618, 623
political parties in, 286, 288, 289–91
representative, 21, 41
republican, 36–37

Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, 272, 281
Democratic Governors’ Association,
Democratic Leadership Council, 269,
Democratic National Committee, 265,
268, 270, 281, 281
Democratic Party, 264, 292
in bipartisan compromises, 291
in “blue states,” 15, 16
as brand name, 270
in campaign financing, 281, 281–84,
323, 324

coalitions in, 276, 276 –7 7
congressional caucuses of, 271–72,
278, 398
in congressional elections, 247, 268,
291, 296, 298, 299, 329, 331,
333–36, 446
on Constitution as living document,
in divided government, 286
economic policies of, 15, 32, 530, 532,
541, 550, 552, 561
in election process, 278–84
on fake news, 4
and federal bureaucracy, 468, 469,
on federal government, 267, 532
on health insurance, 572–74, 601
history of, 265, 265–68
identification with, 203, 205, 272–77,
and ideological polarization, 220,
221, 400, 400–401
Latinos in, 17, 155
liberal ideology in, 19, 23
media coverage on, 247
New Deal supported by, 468
organization of, 267, 268–70, 270
party unity in, 399, 400
party votes in, 399, 400
platform of, 284, 314
policy priorities in, 271, 272, 276, 284,
in presidential election (2016), 16,
262, 263
public opinion in, 210–11, 218, 228
racial, gender, and ethnic identity
in, 17, 17
in Reconstruction era, 153
recruiting and nominating
candidates from, 278–81, 282,
303, 304
in redistricting, 390, 391, 392
reelection of incumbents in, 329,
330, 385, 389
on school vouchers, 608
on slavery, 266
social policies of, 576, 583, 583–84,
on Social Security, 595, 596–97
in state and local governments, 45
trade policies of, 566–67
on voter ID laws, 302
Democratic-Republicans, 266, 492
Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee, 272, 281

deregulation of media, 236
Derthick, Martha, 98

descriptive representation, 378–80
Representation in which a member
of Congress shares the charac-
teristics (such as gender, race,
religion, or ethnicity) of his or her

of hotels and restaurants, 174
of military, 443
of public schools, 88, 154, 167, 170,
172–73, 182, 520, 521
Des Moines Independent Community
School District, Tinker v., 516

détente, 622 An approach to foreign
policy in which cultural exchanges
and negotiations are used to reduce
tensions between rival nations, such
as between the United States and the
Soviet Union during the 1970s.

DeVos, Betsy, 89, 426, 439, 608, 609
dictatorships, 32, 621
Dingell, John, 13
diplomacy, as foreign policy tool,
637–38, 639

direct incitement test, 119 Established
in Brandenburg v. Ohio, this test
protects threatening speech under
the First Amendment unless that
speech aims to and is likely to cause
imminent “lawless action.”

direct lobbying, 355–58, 364 Attempts
by interest group staff to influence
policy by speaking with elected
officials or bureaucrats.

Director of National Intelligence, 628,
disabled people, 89, 97, 185
Supplemental Security Income for,
disaster response, 73, 88, 96
Defense Department in, 628
fake news on, 239, 239

discount rate, 558 The interest rate that
a bank must pay on a short-term loan
from the Federal Reserve Bank.

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