Wireframe – Issue 20, 2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1
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Keep on mashing the A button? I can do this all day

arvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is the
latest title hoping to keep
the comic (and movie) giant’s
output on top, following last
year’s Spider-Man for PS4 and
the continuing successes of the Lego tie-ins.
Opting for the satisfyingly simple (yet addictive)
template of classic beat-‘em-ups, MUA3 doesn’t
throw out the rule book of Raven Software’s
2006 original. Rather, new developer Team
Ninja does well to replicate the button-mashing
gratification of prior entries – and it still sees you
guide a four-man superhero squad through a
gauntlet of colourful stages and bosses.
The difference this time is a much greater
emphasis on upgrading. Rather than just
unlocking new moves as your favourite
members of the X-Men, Inhumans, and Avengers,
you’re also constantly locking in buffs used
to boost these various attributes further.
From collectable compounds called ISO-8s that
make characters stronger to the Lab which
enhances the performance of your whole team,
it’s micromanagement to a ridiculous degree – yet
worth it for when you feel its effects during battle.
Speaking of battles, MUA3 features the same
mix of switching between heroes, using their
unique powers and having them combine as
before. Now, however, doing the latter is highly
encouraged thanks to the new Synergy Attack
system. Ever wanted to know how Miles Morales’
venom strike would work in tandem with Cap’s
shield throw? Then engage a combo to perform

a synergy attack and break down an enemy’s
stagger meter.
In terms of levels, it’ll please comic book
aficionados to know that almost every corner
of the Marvel universe has been catered for.
After all, the basic story sees you on the hunt
for the infinity stones that have been scattered
around, giving you good cause to venture through
such beloved locations as Asgard, Avengers
Tower, and even New York’s Shadowland.
All this you do as your ideal line-up from a
roster of 36 Marvel superheroes is unlocked
at a regular pace throughout the campaign.
Of course, sporadically dishing out team
members means many will stay weaker than
those in constant use, but replaying levels works
fine to better power up any early additions. This is
the type of game where grinding is just as thrilling
as reaching the next cutscene.
Unfortunately, a couple of small niggles haven’t
been done away with in the franchise’s decade
away, the biggest culprit being the camera.
From getting caught in the environment to not
giving me sight of my squad, so many times was
I constantly battling it alongside the enemies.
Then there’s the case of the block button being
the same used to dodge, but it’s less of a pest.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is a rambunctious
return for the cult classic series, and takes an “If it
ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach to the formula
in some areas while deepening it in others.
Despite some flaws, this is a welcome celebration
of the Marvel universe worth wasting hours in.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3:

The Black Order


Keeping it simple has
always been satisfying,
and it’s still true in this
long-awaited sequel.

68 %

Action RPG
Switch (tested)
Team Ninja
Out now




Aaron Potter

Look around certain levels
hard enough and you’ll come
across what are known as
Infinity Rifts – better explained
as optional side challenges
with specific completion
requirements. Beating them is
the only way to unlock four new
playable characters, as well as
unlockable costumes for the
entire Marvel roster.
Free download pdf