The Boston Globe - 08.08.2019

(Joyce) #1
THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2019 The Boston Globe A

Age87, of Centerville,passedaway
peacefullyonAugust2,2019. Bornin
Somerville to the late John and Helen
(Lane)Downey.1of 7children,Joan
is survived by her siblings Mary R.
DowneyofCenterville and Daniel F.
Downeyand hiswife Marie of NH.She
is alsosurvivedbymanynieces, neph-
ews, grandnieces andgrandnephews.
AVisitingHourwillbeheld at Dolan
FuneralHome,460 GraniteAvenue,
August9th from11-12PM. Family and
friendsinvited. Graveside Service to
follow the visiting hour at NorthCam-
bridgeCatholicCemetery, 244 Rindge
In lieuofflowers,donationsmay be
madeinJoan’smemoryto: Saint Jude
Hospital,501 St.Jude Place,Memphis,
TN 38105.
Forfurther information pleasegoto


Of Belmont,August6.Belovedwifeof
the late Sabatino Francucci. Devoted
motherofMarioand the late Nicola
and Giulio Francucci. Dear grand-
motherofGia, Samantha,Nicholas,
Ericand Paul. Great-grandmother of
Kevin,BenjaminandOlivia. Daughter
of thelatePasqualeandGiulia(Man-
zoli) Sabatini.Sister of Carmela,Nella,
Maria,Iolandaand the late Ninoand
Luciano. Also survived by numerous
nieces andnephews. Shewas selfless
to familyandclose friendsand will
always be remembered. Funeralfrom
TheDeVito Funeral Home,761 Mt.
Auburn St., WATERTOWN, Saturday
Mass at 10:00inSt. CamillusChurch,
Arlington. Entombmenttofollow
Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett.Visiting
Hours Friday 4:00to8:00pm. In lieu
of flowers,kindlyconsider donations
to the NationalBrianTumorSociety


Age86, of Arlington, August
6th. Belovedwife of 67
years to Arnold Leibovitz.
Devoted motherof Alan Leibovitz &his
wife Carol, Harvey Leibovitz &his wife
Paula, BarryLeibovitz &his wife donna
&Marci Siegel &her fiancé Thomas
Sawvelle.Dear sister of the late Stephen
Swartz.Lovinggrandmother of 8&
great-grandmother of 9. Servicesatthe
Torf Funeral Chapel,151 Washington
AM. IntermentinOhel Jacob Cemetery,
Woburn. Contributionsinher memory
maybemadetoTemple Tifereth Israel
of Winthrop, 93 Veterans Road,Win-
throp,MA02152.For guestbook&


(Retired Brookline Police
Sgt.), of East Walpole,
formerly of Mattapan,
passed peacefully on August 6th, at the
age of 73. Beloved husband of Kathleen
(Hardiman)of44years. Devotedfather
of ScottEllis (W.P.D.) andhis wife Kelly
of Wrentham and TiffanyEllis and her
fiance JimZaccardi of Norfolk.
CherishedbrotherofAnn Devaneyof
Florida, Joan AinsleyofCharlestown,
Lawrence“Casey” EllisofFlorida, and
thelateArthur,Edward, James, and
Linda Devaney. Loving“Papa”ofDavid
Richard William Ellis. Brother-in-lawof
Eileen andGerryVanderwood,Colleen
andMichael Krupka, John and Debra
Hardiman, ChristineLeone, and
PatriciaEllis. Aspecialthanksto
caregiverDavid Dias,and also survived
by manyloving nieces,nephews,and
friends. Visiting Hourswillbeheld
Sunday evening, 4:00-7:30p.m., at the
Alexander F. Thomas&Sons Funeral
with aServicestarting at 7:30p.m.
Relatives andfriends invited.Interment
will be privateatfamily’srequest.
Williamwas alateAir Force D.A.Vand
former Rear CommodorePortNorfolk
YachtClub.Please, in lieuofflowers,all
donationscan be madeto Kindred
directionsand guestbook, please visit
Alexander F. Thomas&SonsFH
Walpole 508-668-01 54

Formerly of Cambridge, MA,passed
away peacefully on August6,2019 sur-
roundedby family at homein Concord,
MA.Lois Stiles Edgerly wasbornon
April 29,1929,inSudbury, Massachu-
setts, in thehomeofher parents,Leon-
ard D. andObeline (Cadieux) Stiles. As
ayoung girl, Lois was atomboyand a
good hitterinbaseball.“Youhad her
lasttime, we want Stiles on ourteam,”
the boys would say. During World War
II, whenshe was ayoungteen, Lois
learnedthe difference betweenbomb-
ersand fighterplanesinorder to report
on allflights she observedfromalook-
out tower on GoodmanHill in Sudbury.
She rode herbiketothe tower, which
was tall enoughto offerviews above
the tree line. “LuckilyIdidn’thaveto
ever seeaGerman plane,”she recalled
in “How IWon theWar,” achapterin
an oral historyrecordedfor herfamily.
During thewar,her school’s principal,
Al Flynn,would releasestudentsto
help at harvest time on localfarms,
includingone owned by Lois’suncle,
Harvey Fairbanks. They received
centsabushel for potatoes at atime
whentherewereno men of militaryage
left in Sudbury to do farmwork. “Every
now and thenwe’dget bored and
throw potatoes at each other,” Lois said.
“Uncle Harvey would comeout into the
field to chewusout,and we’d soonset-
tledown.”Lois graduated from Sudbury
High School in 1947. Herplanneddate
forthe prom,aBritish doctor,had to
cancel duetohis residency scheduleat
Mass GeneralHospital.When William
S. Edgerly, whosefamily had movedto
SudburyfromSyracuse, NY in 1937,
heard Lois didn’thaveadate to her
prom, he moved fast.“So that was a
hingeoffate,”Willrecalled in hisNine
Decades memoir.“We were dancing
on airthe wholenight,and everybody
was just allsmiles. It was an incredibly
memorableevening.” That fall Lois en-
rolledatLesley CollegeinCambridge,
MA,whereshe studiedteaching.On
June 12,1948, sheand Will were
married at the First Parish Unitarian
ChurchinSudbury.The following year
they movedto Rochester,New York,
where Will had been hired to work at
Kodak.Lois wasanaccomplishedoil
painter and wrote twobooks.Tillbury
House published “GiveHerThis Day: A
DaybookofWomen’sWords”in 1990,
followedfour years laterbyWomen’s
Words, “Women’s Stories:An American
Daybook.” Hertomboydays far behind
her,Loisinlater years invariably
dressed in aVictorianstyle, wearinga
longskirtand white blouse fastened at
the neck by abroche.She loved dogs,
flowers, politics, home construction,
Volvos,spaghettiBolognese, Maine,
and grahamcrackers with peanut
butter.She dislikedany moviethathad
NazisorJack Nicholson in it.She had
magicalwaywithplants, including a
cactus shebought in1950and kept
alive through variousshootsthe rest
of herlife. She designedandoversaw
construction of numerous residential
building projects for the benefit of her
family. Hertaste in architecture and
interior décorwas impeccable, aswas
herconstant love and supportfor her
family.Loisissurvivedbyher husband
of 71 years,William; childrenLeonard
and Stephanie,grandchildren Seth
Betlyon, Sarah Foleno, Fran Weber,
KristenKrafsig, and JesseBetlyon, 11
great-grandchildren,and her brother,
Parker Stiles.PublicCallingHours
willbeFriday,August9,from 5to
p.m.atShawsheen FuneralHome,
Great Rd.,BEDFORD.Funeral services
will be private.

EDGERLY, Lois(Stiles)


Age75, passed away peacefully at home
surrounded by hissonsonTuesday,
August6,2019,after acourageous
battle with pancreatic cancer.He
shared hislifeand heart with his wife,
Linda M. Earle, who preceded him
in deathin2017. Al wasthe loving
fatherofBryan Earle,Kevin Earleand
his girlfriendKatrina Santisi, Todd
Earle andhis husbandJody Murray
and DavidEarle and his wife Kathryn;
grandfather of Emily Earle and Mat-
thewEarle; son of thelateGeorge and
EllaEarle; brother of thelateGeorge
Earle Jr.and hiswifeGerry, Audrey
Gordonand herlatehusband Windsor,
and hislatetwin sister AlbertaQuaglia
and herhusband Jerry. He was alsoan
uncletomanylovingnieces, nephews
andgreat-niecesand nephews. Family
and friendsare cordially invitedto
gathertocelebrateAl’slifeand share
the Barile Family FuneralHome, 482
Main St.(Route 28), STONEHAM,MA
on Sunday, August 11,2019from 3
pm to 7pm. Parkingattendants and
elevator available.Funeral Services will
be heldfromBarile FamilyFuneral
Home on MondayAugust12, 2019 at
9am, followed by aFuneralService
in the First Congregational Church,
pleaseconsider donations in memory
of AlbertEarle to DanaFarber Cancer
Institute, P.O. Box849168, Boston.,MA
Fordirections or to sendamemorial
condolence http://www.barilefuneral.comor
Barile Family Funeral Home
Celebrating Life-Sharing Memories
781-438-228 0

Age58, of Bristol, RI, formerly of West
Roxburyand Walpole, passedawayJuly
28, 2019.
Loving wife of BryanHennesseyof
Bristol,RI. Beloveddaughter of Helen
Iantosca of Norwood, MA and thelate
Attileo Iantosca. Sister of Diane Boyle
and herhusbandJohn of Gainesville,
VA,the late LeoIantosca andhis
surviving wifeHonourofRichmond,
VA,Janet Stewartand her husband
Ron of Ecuador,Nancy Woolbrightand
her husband KeithofWenatchee, WA,
MariePhinneyand herhusbandJoseph
of West Roxbury, MA,MichaelIantosca
and hiswife NatalieofNorfolk,MAand
LisaIantosca of Dedham, MA.Sister-
in-lawofJerryand Becky Hennessey
of NorthAttleboro, MA,Richard and
Sandy HennesseyofVeroBeach,FL,
MichaelHennessey of West Hartford,
CT,MargaretHennessey and Michael
Wiese of Santa Fe,NM, Chrisand Lisa
HennesseyofHingham,MA, Jacqueline
HennesseyofNewton,MA, and the
late ElizabethHennesseyBarr.Beloved
daughter-in-law of thelateMargaret
and John Hennessey.Alsosurvived by
manylovingniecesand nephews and
great-nieces andnephews.
Dina had aloveoflifeand ajoyful
spiritand will be deeplymissedbyall.
ACelebration of Life will be heldfor
family andclosefriends.


Age102, of Wellesley, formerlyof Long
Beach,NYand Palm Beach, FL,on
late Samuel Marber. Devotedmother of
Renee Silva andher husbandPaul,and
Andrew Marber.Deargrandmotherof
LaurenSilvaVitale andher husband
Peter,and Justin Silva. Cherished
great-grandmother of David Vitale.
Graveside Service at CedarPark Cem-
etery, Paramus, NJ,onFriday, August
9, 2019. Memorial observance will be
at thehomeofRenee and Paul Silvaon
Sunday, August 11, 2-8pm.In lieuof
flowers,remembrances maybemade
to TempleBethElohim,10 BethelRd.,
Wellesley, MA 02481.



Of Arlington, passedawaypeacefully
on August 6, 2019,she was 90 years
old.Mimiissurvivedby her beloved
husbandMartin Kalustian. Shewas
the devotedmother of Dr.Albert
A. Kalustian and his wife Dr.Anita
Lurantos of Manchesterand JamesM.
KalustianofArlington.Funeral Services
willbeheld at Holy TrinityArmenian
Church,145 Brattle St., Cambridge
on Saturday, August 10th at 11 am.
Relatives andfriends are respectfully
invitedtoattend. AVisitation period
willbeheld in thesanctuary of Holy
9:30-11:00amimmediately priortothe
funeral service.Interment will follow at
NewtonCemeteryinNewton. Memo-
rialcontributionsmaybemade in her
memorytoHoly TrinityArmenian
Church.For directions, guestbook and
to light acandle in hermemory, visit
GiragosianFuneral Home,Inc.

Of Billerica, Charlestownnative and
former residentofSomerville,Aug.
6, James J. Finnhusband of the late
Donna M. (Zuben)Finn. Loving father
of James J. Finnand hiswife Staceyof
Billerica and ErinM.Dwyer and her
husband Shaun of Lowell.Sonofthe
late John T. and Veronica B. (Flynn)
Finn. Brotherofthe late John T. Finn
Jr.and wifeSherryofFL, William F.
Finnand wife Joan of NH, thelate
FrederickM.and wifeElaine Finnof
MI, Veronicaand Ed CallahanofSC,
Anne Marie Kaskaviqi of NH andMary
ArleneBaldwin andlatehusbandTom
of Andover.GrandfatherofJames and
CamrynFinn. Cousinofthe Flynn
by many nieces, nephewsand great-
nieces and nephews. Visiting Hours will
be heldFriday at theSweeneyMemo-
rial FuneralHome, 66 Concord Rd.,
BILLERICA,from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
AGraveside Service will be held at the
FoxHill Cemetery, 130 Andover Rd.,
Billerica at 12:30p.m.Relatives and
friends respectfullyinvited. Memorial
contributions maybemade to St.Jude
Children’s ResearchHospital. Mr.Finn
was aretired MBTAmachinistand
member of Local #264.


Of Boston,followingalongillness,
passedawaypeacefully during his
sleep, Tuesday, August6,2019, with
his belovedwife,Veronica O’Sullivan-
Krinsky by hisside. Leslie wasborn
January3,1940inNew York,NYtothe
late Maxand BlancheKrinsky; survived
by his threechildren:MitchellKrinsky
of Lake Worth, FL,Paul Krinsky of
Jamaica Plain, MA andSeanaTocchio
of Hanover,MA. At the request of his
family,aprivatescatteringof his ashes
willbeheldatFernHill in the Forest
HillsCemetery. AMemorial Service will
be held at afuture date. In lieuofflow-
ers, donationsin Les’smemorymay be
made to DanaFarberCancerInstitute,
450BrooklineAve., Boston,MA 02215
or Parlin HouseHospiceResidence, 10
Green Way, Wayland, MA 01778.

KRINSKY, Leslie Ira

Age67, of Topsfield, passed on Tuesday,
August6,2019. Beloved husbandand
bestfriendof Althea(Cali).Loving
fatherofAlexLyonsandhis wife
Madison,daughterJulia Lyonsand her
partner Kristian Hval.Dearson of the
lateEthel&Irving Lyons. Cherished
son-in-lawofIleana (Yai Yai) Koles.
Other significantmembersofhis family,
Oliverand DickensLyons. Mark Lyons
was born and raised in Malden.At-
torneyLyonspracticedlaw forover 35
years.Hewas thefounding partnerof
Lyons &Tzanoudakis, LLPinDanvers.
Attorney Lyonswas theChairman of
the BoardSelectmaninTopsfield.He
has served as Chairfor theTopsfield
TopsfieldElementary School Commit-
tee and asaMember of the Topsfield
Planning Board. He wasalso amember
ofthe Topsfield Town Hall Committee.
Mark wasanavidNew EnglandSports
fan, enjoyedvisitingCape Cod, and
spendingtime with familyand friends.
Services will be at the Goldman Funeral
Chapel,174 FerryStreet(offRoute60),
MALDENonFriday, August 9at11:
AM. Interment to follow at the Pine
GroveCemeteryinTopsfield. Memorial
week will be observed privately. In lieu
of flowers,expressionsofsympathy
maybemade in his memorytothe
TopsfieldHistorical SocietymP.O.Box
323, Topsfield, MA 01983or to Ovarian
vaniaPlaza,Suite 2110NY, NY 10122.
Fordirectionsor onlinecondolences:

Goldman FuneralChapel -Malden


Of Reading, Tuesday, August6,
at theage of 77.She is the devoted
mother of LaurieE.Lawlerand her
KevinJ.Johnsand his wifeLisaand
KerriA.Woolbertand herhusband
Paul. Cherished grandmother of
Meredith, Madison and Olivia Lawler,
SabrinaFranklin, Tylerand Devin
Johns andBrendan,Griffin,Grace and
MaeveWoolbert, great-grandmother
of Damien, Lilian, Rylee,Ariah,Alyssa
and Lilliana. Beloveddaughter of the
late Carl and Dorothy(Doucette) Hoyt.
Loving sisterofCarolGriffithand her
late husbandKitGriffith,Linda Jones
and herhusband Bill,Judy Owens and
her husbandMonte, Coni Russelland
her husband David, ChuckHoyt and his
wife Theresa and thelateJere Hoyt.Pat
was also theloving and dotingauntto
manynieces and nephews. Family and
friends are cordiallyinvitedtogather
and share memorieswith Pat’sFamily
at theDoherty-Barile FamilyFuneral
Home,11LindenSt., READING, on
Saturday from 9to10:45am. Immedi-
atelyfollowingthevisitation, afuneral
service will be held in thefuneral home
at 10:45am.Parkingattendants and
elevator are available.Interment will
be in Charles Lawn Cemetery, Reading.
Pleaseconsider making adonation in
Pat’sMemorytoPACEElement Care,
Development, Lynn CommunityHealth
Center, PO Box526,Lynn,MA01903.
Forinformation and to leaveanonline
and forfurtherinformation,please visit
Doherty-Barile Family
Funeral Home
Celebrating Life-Sharing Memories

Of Centerville,formerly of Milton,
passed away on Wednesday,August7,
2019at97yearsofage.Devoted daugh-
ter of thelateJacob &Sarah Bayard.
Belovedwifeofthe late Myer H. Finkel.
Loving motherofRabbi Mark Finkel
&his wifeAbby,Edward Finkel&his
wifeAnitaand Grant Finkel &his wife
Tobey. Cherishedgrandmotherof7.
BettyDesatnick. Services at Temple
Emanuel,385 Ward St., Newtonon
Friday,August 9at2PM. Interment
to follow at Boylston LodgeCemetery,
776 BakerSt.,WestRoxbury.Shiva
following theburialat TempleEmanuel
until 6:30PM. Continuingatthe home
of Grant&TobeyFinkelonSunday,
10:30AM–1PMand 2:30PM-9PM
with Minyan at 7:30PM and Monday –
Wednesday, 11AM–9PM withMinyan
at 7:30PMandThursdayuntil 11AM.
Shiva will also be observed in New
Jersey. In lieuofflowers, donations
in Dorothy’s memorymay be made
to the Myer &DorothyFinkel Fund
for JewishLifeatCombined Jewish
Philanthropies, 126 High St., Boston,
MA 02110-2700.


SchlossbergMemorial Chapel
781 828-

Of Milton, MA,entered into rest on
Wednesday, August7,2019 at the
ageof81. Belovedhusband of Gayle
(DeMarco)Kyett.Devoted father of
LauraBortnick &her husband Alan
and JenniferKyett.Lovingbrother of
Elaine Stogsdill.Cherished grandfather
of Erica Bortnick and DaenaBortnick.
Funeralservices willbeheldatThe
Stanetsky MemorialChapel, 475 Wash-
ington Street, CANTON,MAonFriday,
August9th at 2:00 PM, followedby
burial at Blue Hill Cemetery,700 West
Street, Braintree.Memorial observance
will be held at his late residence fol-
lowinginterment until 7PM. In lieu of
flowers, expressions of sympathy in his
memorymay be donated to Lewy Body
Dementia Association, 912 Killian Hill
RoadS.W., Lilburn, GA 30047.

KYETT, Edward“Teddy”




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