288 Chapter 10 Modifications to argument structure
(21) Guru mem-beri buku kepada murid-murid. Indonesian
teacher AV-give book to RED-student
‘The teacher gave a book to the students.’
(22) Murid-murid di-beri buku oleh guru. Indonesian
RED-student PASS-give book by teacher
‘The students were given a book by the teacher.’
(23) Buku itu di-beri-kan guru kepada murid-murid. Indonesian
book that PASS-give-KAN teacher to RED-student
‘The book was given by the teacher to the students.’
In the Javanese spoken in East Java, the verb kèkèk ‘give’ never occurs without
a suffix. When the recipient is subject of the object voice, the locative -i suffix
is used (24), and when the theme is subject, -ake (or a variant) is used.^2
(24) Guru-né di-kèkèk-i buku karo murid-murid. Javanese (eastern)
teacher-DEF PASS-give-LOC book by RED-student
‘The teacher was given a book by the students.’
(25) Buku kuwi di-kèkèk-aké murid-murid nang guru-né. Javanese (eastern)
book that PASS-give-AKE RED-student to teacher-DEF
‘The book was given by the students to their teacher.’
This is reflected in the actor voice forms as well, where -(n)i is used when the
recipient is a bare NP object (26) and -aké when the theme is (27).
(^2) In the Javanese spoken in Central Java, which is considered the prestige dialect, the
verb wènèh 'give' shows the typical pattern for ditransitive verbs. When the goal is the
subject (or bare NP object), the verb takes the locative suffix (ib); however, when the
theme is the subject (ic), the verb has no suffix, occurring in the same form as in the
active (ia).
(i) a. Guru-né mènèh buku menyang murid-murid. Central Javanese
teacher AV.give book to RED-student
‘The teacher gave a book to the students. ’
b. Murid-murid di-wènèh-i buku karo guru-né. Central Javanese
RED-student PASS-give-LOC book by teacher-DEF
‘The students were given a book by the teacher. ’
c. Buku kuwi di-wènèh guru-né menyang murid-murid. Central Javanese
book that PASS-give teacher-DEF to RED-student
‘'The book was given by the teacher to the students. ’