Kerrapan Sape 559
- Saminggu sabellunna lon-alon se e kennengngan-na kerrapan la
one.week before alun-alun REL at place-DEF race already
ce' ramme-na e-pa-teppa'.
very crowded-DEF OV-CS-right
One week before on the alun-alun where the race is held it is sure to already
be very crowded and noisy. - Tarob, ka-toju'-na moy-tamoy rateng.
shaded.area NOM-sit-DEF RED-visitor already
Spectators already gather in the shaded area. - Panggung-nga juri par-tampar se daddi bates-sa oreng se
grandstand-DEF jury RED-rope REL become boundary-DEF person REL
The ropes of the jury's grandstand form the boundary for those who want to
watch. - Kennengngan-na reng se wal-juwal bi' sa-laen-na la mare
place-DEF person REL RED-sell with one-other-DEF already finish
e-ator kabbi, e-pa-ranta kabbi.
OV-arrange all OV-CS-ready all
There's a place for people to sell things to each other and they are already
arranging all sorts of things, getting all sorts of things ready. - Sa'are sabellunna kerrapan karangga-na la e-pasang kabbi. before race special cloth-DEF already OV-pair all
A day before the race, all the teams are in the designated area. - Bandira mera pote. Bang-dlubang a-macem barna.
banner red white RED-paper AV-type color
There are red and white banners and signs (accessories) of many colors. - Un-daun-na akantha daun-na camara, baringen, bi' sa-macem-ma
RED-leaf-DEF like leaf-DEF type.of.tree type.of.tree with one-type-DEF
la daddi ra-rengan-na tarob bi' rang-barang e
already become RED-decoration-DEF shaded.area with RED-thing at
kerrapan jiya.
race this
The leaves like evergreens, beringin, and others become decorations in the
shade area and other places in the bull race area.