The Science Book

(Elle) #1



Tansley, Arthur 132, 134, 315
Tatum, Edward 318, 319
taxonomy 33, 60, 61, 74, 116, 319
Tegmark, Max 284
telescopes 15, 56, 86–87, 238, 241, 244,
245, 268
Teller, Edward 264
temperature gradients 122–23
Thales of Miletus 13, 18, 20 , 21, 44
Theophrastus 18, 60, 132
“theory of everything” 182, 269, 292,
293, 308–13
thermal radiation 202–05, 314
thermodynamics 15, 77, 122, 138, 203–05
Thompson, Benjamin 76
Thomson, J. J. 76, 112, 186, 187, 192,
200, 209–10, 211, 304
Thomson, William see Kelvin
thorium 193
three-bodies problem 297
time dilation 216, 219, 220, 221
Tinbergen, Nikolaas 249
Titan 51
Tombaugh, Clyde 86
Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro 246, 273
Torricelli, Evangelista 32, 46, 47 , 48, 49,
Towneley, Richard 49
trade winds 72, 80, 126
Turing, Alan 15, 201, 252–53, 288, 290
Turner, Michael 339
Turok, Neil 313
al-Tusi, Nazir al-Din 23
twins, identical 168
Tyndall, John 294


ultraviolet catastrophe 204, 205, 216
ultraviolet light 108, 203, 216
uncertainty principle 200, 232,
234–35, 272
unified electroweak theory 293
uniformitarianism 99, 146
universal computing machine (UTM)
15, 201, 252–53

dark matter 201, 250–51
expansion of 15, 127, 200, 201,
236–41, 242–45, 250, 251
future of 245
multiple/parallel 269, 284–85
origin of 243–44, 245
and relativity 216, 220, 221
string theory 310, 312, 313
uncertain 15, 235
and wave function 233
uranium 192–93, 194, 209, 262, 263,
264, 265
Uranus 68, 86, 87
Urey, Harold 156, 159, 268,
Ussher, James 98
vacuums 13, 46, 47–8, 216, 218,
valency 119, 124, 162, 162–65, 256
van der Waals, Johannes 335
Veneziano, Gabriele 308–13
Venter, Craig 268–9, 278, 324–25
Venus 36, 39, 40, 103
transit of 32, 52
Vesalius, Andreas 14
Virchow, Rudolf 300
virtual particles 272
viruses 196–97, 280, 318, 319, 322,
vision 19, 28–29
vitalism 124
volcanic activity 99, 223
Volta, Alessandro 15, 73, 90–95, 114,
119, 120, 121, 256, 259
voltaic pile 93, 114, 119, 120
volume 24–25


Wallace, Alfred Russel 23, 73, 109, 148
Walton, Ernest 262, 304–05
Warming, Eugenius 132, 134
water 18, 21, 95
boiling and freezing 76–77
composition of 72, 79, 92, 95, 114,
163, 259
displacement of 18, 24–25
speed of light in 108, 136, 137
Waterston, John 139
Watson, James 224, 268, 271, 276–83,

318, 324, 326
Watt, James 77, 79, 99, 101
wave function 230–33, 234, 284, 285,
weak nuclear force 269, 292, 293, 306,
307, 310
forecasting 150–55
global warming 294–95
wind patterns 80, 126
weather stations 155
Wegener, Alfred 200, 222–23
Weinberg, Steven 293, 298
Wells, Horace 78
Wheeler, John Archibald 263
Whewell, William 73
white dwarf stars 247, 248
White, Gilbert 333
Wien, Wilhelm 204
Wigner, Eugene 233
Wilde, Kenneth A. 274
Wilkins, Maurice 281, 283
Willadsen, Steen 326
Willughby, Francis 61
Wilmut, Ian 269, 326
Wilson, C. T. R. 336
Wilson, G. N. 165
Wilson, Robert 245
wind 72, 80, 126, 153, 154
Witten, Edward 311, 312
Woese, Carl 300
Wöhler, Freidrich 108, 124–25
Wolszczan, Aleksander 327
Woodward, John 85
Wrigglesworth, Vincent 53


X-ray crystallography 187, 256, 259,
279–80, 281, 283
X-rays 108, 109, 186–87, 192, 203, 208,
248, 279–80
Xenophanes 13, 18, 330
Yang, Chen Ning 292
Young, Thomas 50, 108, 110 –11, 182, 228
Zeilinger, Anton 320
Zhang Heng 19, 26–27
Zinder, Norton 319
zoology 61, 249
Zweig, Georg 306, 307
Zwicky, Fritz 201, 248, 250–51, 270


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