The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, 395-700 AD

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Junillus the quaestor 127
Justin I, emperor 69, 189
Justin II, emperor 192–3, 211
Justinian, emperor 68–9, 104–27, 145,
165, 211; building programme 10,
119–22, 150–1, 157; church building 62,
104, 120–1; codification of the
law 104, 105–6; Eutychius 66, 125;
fortifications 119–22; legislation
and Jews 181–2; legislation and
women 142, 143; and pagans 72,
73–4; record as emperor 124–7; sales
of offices 95; sought aid from the
Franks 49; St Sabas and 184; subsidies
to barbarians 50; wars of reconquest see
reconquest, wars of
Justiniana Prima 152

Kaisos 169
Khazars 211
Kinda 169
kingdoms, early medieval 46–52
Komm el-Dikka, Alexandria 131

labour, organization of 88–91, 234
Lactantius 85
Lakedaimon 154
Lakhmids 169, 193
land 96–7
landowners 87, 92
language 3; Near East 176–81; see also under
individual languages
Laodicea 157
late antiquity 6–7, 12, 213–14
Lateran basilica 13
Lateran Synod 187
Latin 3, 27–8, 133–4
law/legislation 9, 85; Justinian’s legislation
and Jews 181–2; Justinian’s legislation
and women 142, 143; Justinian’s
codification of 104, 105–6; Theodosian
Code 18–19, 26–7, 28
Lazica 189–90
Lenski, N. 129
Leo I emperor 32, 33, 35, 37, 175
Leo I, pope 31, 32, 69
Licinia Eudoxia 36
Licinius 12
Liebeschuetz, J.H.W.G. 5, 159, 163–4
literary production 127, 133–4
Lombards 46
Luni 156

MacMullen, R. 84

Majorian , emperor 41, 42
Malalas, John 8, 127
Mango, C. 73
Manichaeans 19
Marcellinus 127
Marcian, emperor 31, 33, 38, 68
Marcian (usurper) 37
Markus, R. 75
marriage 143; dynastic 36
Martin of Tours, St 66
Martyrius monastery 180
Marx, K. 4
Marxist historians 4, 84
Mary, Virgin 31, 191; cult of the
Virgin 142–3
Mary of Egypt 184
material culture 6, 144–5
Maurice, emperor 123, 154, 193, 194, 195
Maximus Confessor, St 187, 203
Mazzarino, S. 128
McCormick, M. 208
Mecca 173
Mediterranean unity 10–11, 208–9
Megas 112
Melania the Younger 82, 88, 140, 183
Melkites 204
men, Christianization and 144
mentality 128
Merovingians 46
Miaphysitism 68–9, 201
Milan 3
Millar, F. 176, 186
miracles 80–1
monasteries 76, 81, 162, 183–4, 205
monks 67, 76–81, 139, 183–4
Monoenergism 69, 202
Monophysitism (Miaphysitism) 68–9, 201
Monotheletism 69, 185, 187, 202–3
Moschus, John 184
Mount Sinai chapel 60
Muhammad 198, 199
al-Mundhir 174
Murphy, C. 209

Narses 46, 115–16
Negev, the 169–70
Neoplatonism 76, 135–6
Nessana 206
Nestorian church 31, 179, 186, 202; see
Church of the Est
Nestorius 30–1, 68
Nicene creed 13, 14–15, 31
Nicholas of Sion, St 160
Nicopolis 153, 248
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