Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Order of Camaldoli, 158
Order of Preachers, 176, 177
Order of Santiago, 174
Order of the Passion of Jesus, Mézières, Philippe de, 469
Ordinatio imperii (Louis the Pious), 422–423
Oresme, Nicole, 127, 490–491
author, 490–491
scientist, 490–491
translator, 490–491
Organist, Landini, Francesco, 398
Orkney Isles, Bjarni Kolbeinsson, 77–78
Ornacieux, Béatrice of, 448
Orpheus and Eurydice (Robert Henryson), 325–326
Orsini, Napoleone, 634–635
Orsini family, 479
Ostrogoth regime, 108
Oswald von Wolkenstein, 491–493
autobiographical references, 491
historical traces, 491
poet, 491–493
political career, 491–492
sources, 492
Otfrid, 493
poet, 493
Otto I, King of Germany, Emperor, 493–495
constant travels throughout realm, 494
coronation ritual, 494
eastern and northern policy, 494
increasing gap between king and dukes, 494
rejecting rule by personal pact, 494
Otto II, King of Germany, Emperor, 73, 495, 495–496
campaign in southern Italy, 495–496
counselors, 495–496
early military campaigns, 495
rebellions in Bavaria and Lotharingia, 495
Otto III, King of Germany, Emperor, 73, 496–497
Charlemagne, 497
determination to control Rome, 496–497
emperor as leadership over Christian world, 497
imperial Church system, 497
Italian expeditions, 496–497
permanent capital, 497
regents, 496
Otto IV, Emperor, 497–498
civil war for control of empire, 497
election, 497–498
Frederick II, 497–498
Innocent III, Pope, 497–498
papacy and, 497
support in Germany, 498
Welf, 497
Otto of Brunswick, 662
Otto of Freising, 498–499
Cistercian, 499
crusades, 498–499
Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa, 499
historian, 498–499
Two Cities, 499
Ottonian dynasty, 73, 149, 150, 622
Ovid, 81, 544

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 132
Oxford University, 94, 185

Pacher, Michael, 239, 501–502
adaptation of new artistic forms, 501
altars, 501–502
new pictorial language, 501
realistic portraitlike facial features, 501
Tyrolian painter and sculptor, 501–502
Padilla, María de, 502
cession of Huelva, 502
founded monastery of Santa Clara at Astudillo, 502
Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 502
children as heirs, 502
María’s relatives’ ascendancy at court, 502
proclaimed queen posthumously, 502
Trastamáran usurpation of the Castilian throne, 502
Padua, Giusto de’ Menabuoi, 259–260
Pagan religion, 196
Pagina meditationum (Marguerite d’Oingt), 448
Palestine, 97–98
Palice of Honour (Gavin Douglas), 178–179
Pantheon (Godfrey of Viterbo), 261
Paolo da Firenze, 502–503
Camaldolese order, 502–503
composer, 502–503
madrigal, 503
music theorist, 503
Squarcialupi Codex, 503
Trecento composer, 503
Donation of Pepin, 512
Henry III, King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor,
independent papal state, 512
papal monarchy, 275
popes as feudal lords, 274–275
primacy, 159, 271–272, 274
reform, 641
territorial claims, 274–275
vendetta against Hohenstaufen, 440
Parabolae (Alain de Lille), 11–12
Paraclete, 1, 2
Parement Master, 152
Parliament, 189
Commons impeached courtiers, 192
determination of cases, 190
discussion of great affairs of state, 190
Good Parliament of 1376, 192
hearing of petitions, 190
plena potestas, 190
Parzival (Wolfram von Eschenbach), 676, 677–678
Paschal II, Pope, 503–504
Benedictine, 503
Corsi family, 504
crusades, 504
emancipation of church from state, 504
Henry IV, King of Germany, 504
Henry V, King of Germany, 504
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