Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

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political activities, 504
promoter of learning and culture, 503
right of investiture, 504
Pastoral Care (Alfred the Great), 28, 29, 30
Pastoureaux, 79
Patrie, fi rst known occurrence, 130
Patris aeterni (Pope Boniface VIII), 91
Paul the Deacon, 504–505
Carolingian renaissance, 504–505
court of Charlemagne, 504
History of the Bishops of Metz, 505
History of the Lombards, 505
Italian writer, 504–505
Paul the Physician. See Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo
Pazzi family, 647
Peñafort, Ramón de, 510–511
Decretales, 511
Dominican, 510–511
integration of nuns, 511
revision of constitutions, 511
Inquisition, 511
Jaime (Jaume) I of Aragón-Catalonia, 510–511
proselytizing Jews, 510, 511
proselytizing Muslims, 510, 511
rationalist-confrontational missionary methods, 511
systematization of church law, 511
Peace of God movement, 555
Peace of Turin, Amadeo VI, Count of Savoy, 34
Peasant Rebellion, Richard II, King of England, 565
Peasants, 675
Pecock, Reginald, 505
convicted of heresy, 505
English theologian, 505
Lollards, 505
Repressor of Over Much Blaming of the Clergy, 505
writings burned, 505
Pedro Alfonso, 506
apologetic, scientifi c, and didactic literature, 506
“Carta a los estudiosos franceses,” 506
Diálogos contra los judíos, 506
diffusion of Arabic science, 506
Disciplina clericalis, 506
Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 414–416, 506–508
alliance with English, 507
Black Death, 506
Blanche de Bourbon, 502, 507
Castilian Church and Avignon papacy, 507
concern with sound fi nances, 507
Cortes of Valladolid, 507
Padilla, María de, 502, 507, 508
children as heirs, 502
María’s relatives’ ascendancy at court, 502
proclaimed queen posthumously, 502
Trastamáran usurpation of the Castilian throne, 502
participation of French in peninsular affairs, 507
personal excesses, 506
rebellious aristocracy, 507
Shem Tov of Carrión, 598, 599
war against Aragón, 506, 507
Pedro III, King of Aragón, 508–509

Challenge of Bordeaux, 509
Charles of Valois, 509
constitutional revolution, 509
crusades, 508–509
cultural infl uence, 509
liberator-conqueror of Sicily, 508
married Constance, 508
northern Catalan nobles revolted, 508
Philip III the Bold, 508–509
procuratorial co-ruler and soldier, 508
re-conquering Valencia, 508
troubadour-warrior ruler, 508
Pegolotti, Francesco di Balduccio, 509–510
Florentine factor for Bardi banking house, 509
La practica della mercatura, 509–510
merchant manual, 509–510
observations on trade, 509–510
Peire Cardenal
Albigensian Crusade, 510
troubador, 510
Pepin I of Landen, 511
Pepin II of Heristal, 511, 512
Pepin III the Short, 118, 511–512, 511–513
anointed, 512
Boniface, 512
Church reform, 512
elected king by Frankish magnates, 512
Frankish leaders of Carolingian family, 511
involvement in Italian affairs, 512
patricius Romanorum, 512
reform of secular government, 512
Stephen II, Pope, 512, 608
title patricius Romanorum, 608
Perceval (Chrétien de Troyes), 677
Pere I of Sicily. See Pedro III, King of Aragón
Pere I of Valencia. See Pedro III, King of Aragón
Pere II of Catalonia. See Pedro III, King of Aragón
Pere III of Aragón. See Pedro III, King of Aragón
Peregrinatio (Egeria), 193
Pérez de Guzmán, Fernán, 105, 106
Periphyseon (On the Division of Nature) (Johannes Scottus
Eriugena), 207
Pero Niño, Count of Buelna, 171
Pérotin, 513
attributed works, 513
composer, 513
identity, 513
polyphony, 513
Peruzzi fi rm, 647
Peter Comestor
biblical exegesis, literal-historical sense, 514
Historia scholastica, 514
theologian, 514
Peter Damian, 319, 579
Peter Lombard, 514–515
Peter of Poitiers, 515
Allegoriae super tabernaculum Moysis, 515
biblical exegesis, 514–515, 515
Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi, 515
dialectics, 515
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