Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Peter of Poitiers (continued)
Distinctiones super psalterium, 515
leading fi gure in Parisian schools, 515
Magna glossatura, 514
philosopher, 514–515
Sententiae, 514–515
Sententiarum libri quinque, 515
theologian, 514–515, 515
Peter the Chanter, 516
Cistercian, 516
Summa de sacramentis et animae consiliis, 516
teacher, 516
theologian, 516
Peter the Venerable, 1, 516–517
Abélard, Peter, 517
Bernard of Clairvaux, 516, 517
Islam, 517
Judaism, 517
Monk of Cluny, 516–517
abbot, 516–517
reform, 516–517
theologian, 516–517
translation of Arabic texts, 517
Petrarca, Francesco, 517–522
Africa, 520, 522
attitude toward autobiography, 518
attitude toward classical past, 519–520
Augustine’s Confessions, 519, 520
belief in preeminence of Rome, 519
Biblioteca Marciana in Venice, 521
Black Death, 521
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 81, 82, 83, 84, 521
Canzoniere, 517, 520, 521, 522
characteristics, 517
Charles IV, Emperor, 125
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 132
Cino da Pistoia, 141, 142
Cola di Rienzo, 520, 521
coronation as poet laureate in Rome, 518, 520
Coronation Oration, 520
cult of personality, 520
Dante Alighieri, 517, 518, 519
De remediis utriusque fortune, 521
De viris illustribus, 520, 522
De vita solitaria, 520, 521, 522
fell in love with Laura, 519
focus on his own personal situation, 517
Giovanni Colonna, Cardinal, 519–520
integrating Christianity and pagan letters, 590
internal confl ict, 518, 520
Jacopo da Carrara the Younger, ruler of Padua, 518
Laura’s death, 521
legal studies, 518–519
Lello di Pietro Stefano dei Tosetti, 519
Letter to Posterity, 517–518, 522
Ludwig van Kempen, 519
medieval aspects of work, 517
modern sensitivity, 517
new humanism, 522
patriotism for Italy, 520

poet, 517–522
pursuit of classical manuscripts, 519, 521
Rerum memorandarum libri, 520, 522
Secretum, 520
Triumph of Death, 521
Triumphs, 522
at Vaucluse, 520
Visconti family, 521
works, 517, 520, 521, 522
Latin, 522
vernacular, 522
Petrarca, Gherardo, 518, 519, 520
Petrarch. See Petrarca, Francesco
Petrus Alfonsi. See Pedro Alfonso
Petrus de Dacia, 524
author, 524
Christina of Stommeln, 524
De gratia naturam ditante sive De virtutibus Christinae
Stumbelensis, 524
Dominican order, 524
Sweden’s fi rst author, 524
Vita Christinae Stumbelensis, 524
Petrus de Vinea, 233, 234
Petrus Olofsson, 76
Phaedo (Plato), 45
Pharmacology, Ibn Zuhr, Abu ̄ Marwa ̄ n ‘Abd al-Ma ̄ lik, 346
Philagathus of Cerami, 525
court preacher, 525
Greek prose writer, 525
sermons, 525
Philip II Augustus, King of France, 526, 565
Albigensian Crusade, 526
architect of the medieval French monarchy, 526
astute politician, 526
English loss of territory, 526
expansion of territory, 526
feudalism, 526
fi nancial administration, 526
founder of centralized bureaucratic state, 526
Henry II of England, 526
Pierre Mauclerc, 534
Philip III the Bold, King of France, 526–527
ascendancy in Languedoc, 526
French crusade against Aragón, 527
Marguerite of Provence, Queen of France, 448
Pedro III, King of Aragón, 508–509
wars of, 526–527
Philip IV the Fair, King of France, 190, 527–528
Boniface VIII, Pope, 90, 91, 527
charged Boniface with heresy and immorality, 527
Clement V, Pope, 143, 527
confl ict with Flemings, 527
consultation of subjects, 527
dynastic marriages of children, 528
expelled Jews from France, 527
Jeanne of Navarre, Queen of France, 369–370
Knights Templar, 527
precipitated war against Edward I of England, 527
subordinated dukes to his authority, 527
successors, 528
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