Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Philip le Bel, King, 646, 647
Philip of Valois, 191
Philip the Bold, King of France, 127, 529, 604
diplomatic role, 529
establishing Burgundian power in Netherlands, 529
expanding role in Netherlands, 529
in Flanders, 529
Marguerite, 529
Marmousets, 529
royal power of, 529
Philip the Chancellor, 529–530
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 530
poet, 529–530
Summa de bono, 530
theologian, 529–530
University of Paris, 529
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 530–531
acquisitions, 530
Burgundian state, 530
chivalric culture as instrument of policy, 530–531
Hundred Years’ War, 530
Treaty of Troyes, 530
van Eyck, Jan, 644–645
Philip VI, King of France, 528
Black Death, 528
Chambre des Comptes, 528
disputes with nobles of north and west, 528
Edward III of England, 528
fought Flemish rebels, 528
Hundred Years’ War, 528
Jeanne of Burgundy, 528
other claimants to throne, 528
as regent, 528
territorial losses, 528
wars with England, 528
Philipp of Swabia, 662
Philippe de Thaün, 531
Bestiaire, 531
Cumpoz, 531
earliest scientifi c works in French, 531
Philojudaism, Pedro I the Cruel, King of Castile, 507
Physica (Subtilitatum diversarum naturarum creaturarum
libri novem) (Hildegard von Bingen), 330
Pier della Vigna, 532–533
artist in Latin prose, 532–533
Dante Alighieri, 532
education, 532
Eulogy, 532
Frederick II
Frederick II turns against, 532
polemical campaign in defense of, 532
portraits, 532
senior bureaucrat and offi cer of state, 532
letters, 532
Liber Augustalis, 532
person of high culture, 532–533
poet, 533
portrayal in Divine Comedy, 532
Pierre de Braine. See Pierre Mauclerc
Pierre de Dreux. See Pierre Mauclerc

Pierre de la Broce, 526, 527
Pierre Mauclerc, 534
Blanche of Castile, 534
crusading, 534
Duke of Brittany, 534
Earl of Richmond, 534
harassed clergy, 534
Louis VIII, King of France, 534
Philip II Augustus, 534
political maneuvering, 534
rebelled against French crown, 534
Pietro Abano, 536
Conciliator of the Differences of the Philosophers and
Especially the Physicians, 536
medical teacher, 536
Pietro di Parenzo, 518
Pietro Filargo di Candia, 459
Pietro Orseolo, 578
Pilgrimage, 67, 133–134
Burchard of Mount Sion, 97–98
Canterbury Cathedral, 59
Dante Alighieri, 164–165
Digulleville, Guillaume de, 173
Guzmán, Nuño de, 288
Kempe, Margery, 391–392
Santiago de Compostela, 24, 214, 591
Stainreuter, Leopold, 607
Pisano, Andrea, 535–536, 648
baptistery reliefs, Florence, 535–536
as Capomaestro at Florence and Orvieto, 536
Pisano, Giovanni, 47, 536–539
architect, 536–539
assistant to father, 536–537
Madonna and child series, 538
in Pisa, 537, 538
in Pistoia, 537–538
sculptor, 536–539
in Siena, 537
tomb of Margaret of Luxembourg, 539
Pisano, Nicola, 47, 536, 539–541
Fontana Maggiore in Perugia, 540–541
pulpit in cathedral of Siena, 540
pulpit in Pisa, 539–540
sculptor, 539–541
tomb of Saint Dominic, 540
Pisqey ha-Rosh (Asher B. Yeh.iel), 50, 51
Pistoia, Cino da Pistoia, 141–142
Plato, translated by Aristippus, Henry, 45
Platonic cosmology, 432
Platonic philosophy, 431–432
Adam de la Halle, 4–5
Encina, Juan del, 201–202
Folz, Hans, 219–220
Greban, Arnoul, 270
Hrosvit of Gandersheim, 334
La Vigne, André de, 397
Pleydenwurff, Hans, 541–542
Breslau Altarpiece, 541
painter, 541–542
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