
(J-Ad) #1

44 Thursday, June 27, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS

8156 4 Mile Road, East Leroy, MI 49051
(269) 979-9421 •

Notice is hereby given that the Leroy
Township Board will hold two (2) ad-
visory public hearings on Tuesday, July
9th at 10 A.M located at the Township
Community Hall, 8146 4 Mile Road,
East Leroy. The hearings will address
the proposed Lyman Drive (private
road) improvement paving project un-
der a Special Assessment District and
determine the assessment roll costs to be
levied on the 2024 Winter Tax Roll. Any
objections to petitions, cost estimates
and proposed district by property owners
should be filed in writing with the Town-
ship Supervisor before the closing of the
hearings (MCL 4.1726). Cost estimates
will be available for inspection in the
Clerk’s office at 8156 4 Mile Road Tues-
days – Thursdays, 9 A.M. – 4:30 P .M.
Respectfully, Clerk Nicole Hardish

Decedent's Estate
Court Address:
161 East Michigan Avenue
Battle Creek, MI 49014
Court Telephone No:
(269) 969-6794
Estate of Olga Budas.
Date of birth: 11/14/1926.
The decedent, Olga Budas,
died 12/03/2013.
Creditors of the decedent
are notified that all claims
against the estate will be
forever barred unless pre-
sented to Michael Budas
personal representative, or
to both the probate court at
4686 E. Ruffian Rd., Gilbert,
AZ 85297 and the personal
representative within 4
months after the date of pub-
lication of this notice.

Date: 06/21/2024

Kevin R. Sackrider P77645
208 W. Michigan Ave.
Marshall, MI 49068
Michael Budas
4686 E. Ruffian Rd.
Gilbert, AZ 85297

26:48.3. 95-Thomas Krug, 25, B.C.,
26:55.3. 96-Myra Bost, 48, B.C.,
27:01.4. 97-Danielle Adamson,
30, B.C., 27:04.9. 98-PJ Kohn,
32, Gales., 27:06.4. 100-Andrew
Messecar, 31, B.C., 27:08.5.
101-Kendal Latimer, 14, Union City,
27:10.8. 103-JoDell Walker, 39,
Augusta, 27:15.2. 104-J. Gallagher,
12, Ceresco, 27:15.7.

  • 119-Caleb Stemaly, 14, B.C.,
    27:39.0. 120-Greg Boyer, 41,
    Marsh., 27:40.6. 123-Sarah
    Stemaly, 15, B.C., 28:07.0. 125-Ella
    Brannen, 13, East Leroy, 28:12.4.
    126-Lawrence Forsythe, 74, B.C.,
    28:13.0. 132-Scott Kraemer, 44,
    B.C., 28:22.2. 133-Patrick McKerr,
    32, B.C., 28:26.9. 136-Karolina
    Traver, 32, Marsh., 28:34.1. 141-
    Logan Manning, 26, B.C., 28:48.9.
    148-Alaina Hoffman, 16, Marsh.,

  • 149-Madeline Wiersma, 17,
    Augusta, 29:02.9. 150-Lenzy

Marsillett, 33, B.C., 29:12.1. 151-
Russ Zumer, 44, B.C., 29:15.4.
152-L. Zumer, 11, B.C., 29:15.6.
153-Donald Guilfoyle, 63, B.C.,
29:19.0. 158-Jessica Polnasek, 37,
B.C., 29:36.6. 159-James Ferrari, 59,
B.C., 29:40.6. 160-K. Polnasek, 11,
B.C., 29:41.9. 161-John Bennett, 47,
B.C., 29:43.7. 165-Megan Fawcett,
42, Ceresco, 29:54.8.

  • 167-John Jacobs, 61, B.C.,
    29:58.6. 169-Chris Bodell, 54, B.C.,
    30:03.0. 171-Erich Henkel, 60,
    B.C., 30:12.8. 173-Ryan Traver,
    44, Marsh., 30:14.6. 180-Hayden
    Black, 24, Bellevue, 30:36.5. 185-
    Erin Quada, 38, Hastings, 30:45.1.
    186-Lily Enyart, 14, Hastings,
    30:45.1. 187-Rodney Schlyer, 54,
    B.C., 30:47.4. 188-Daniel Fawcett,
    44, Ceresco, 30:50.7. 189-Coston
    Smauley, 37, Hickory Corners,

  • 191-Damaris Chavez, 25, B.C.,
    30:56.9. 192-Ashlynn Wallace, 34,
    B.C., 31:11.6. 198-Bristol Latimer,
    13, Union City, 31:24.6. 201-Taylor
    Purves, 28, Gales., 31:29.3.
    203-Adriana Domingo, 16, Marshal,
    31:46.4. 204-Georgie Schmidt, 15,
    Albion, 31:46.7. 205-K. Stone, 11,
    B.C., 31:49.0. 210-Kelly Bodell, 55,

B.C., 32:15.3. 211-Roxie Shanley,
13, Gales., 32:16.0. 212-Tobin
Ploehn, 64, B.C., 32:29.9.

  • 215-Parker Tallent, 25, B.C.,
    32:29.8. 222-Kaitlyn Repeck, 36,
    Gales., 32:54.7. 224-M. Culp, 12,
    B.C., 32:56.9. 226-Donya Mosher,
    50, Scotts, 33:00.7. 231-Taylor
    Wilsey, 22, East Leroy, 33:13.1. 232-
    J. Latimer, 9, Union City, 33:14.1.
    234-Ariana Russell, 16, Marsh.,
    33:16.5. 235-Sheryl Morris, 66, B.C.,
    33:21.8. 237-Scott Brackmyer, 50,
    B.C., 33:30.1. 238-A. Fulmer, 10,
    B.C., 33:30.1.

  • 239-Kelsie Kemerling, 22, B.C.,
    33:31.9. 240-Tammie Kemerling,
    52, B.C., 33:34.3. 242-Shereelyn
    Reed, 23, Bellevue, 33:34.6. 248-
    Gavin Cleland, 24, Marsh., 33:59.6.
    249-Duncan Magers, 14, B.C.,
    33:59.8. 252-Katherine TerBerg, 34,
    Aug., 34:05.5. 253-Amanda Stone,
    43, B.C., 34:07.5. 255-Jenna Mueller,
    25, Marsh., 34:10.7. 262-Amy Alday,
    14, B.C., 34:18.3. 279-Cam Neal, 16,
    Marsh., 35:05.2.

  • 281-Josh Baggerly, 34, B.C.,
    35:06.9. 287-Jessica Wise, 42,
    Richland, 35:14.3. 289-Kelli Scott,
    52, B.C., 35:17.3. 293-Trevor
    Fredenburg, 46, Ceresco, 35:20.7.
    294-Aida Faryami, 25, B.C., 35:21.6.
    299-Suzann Bellinger, 46, Gales.,
    Sloth Walk 5K

  • 1-Paul Asmus, 75, Kaz., 37:41.6.
    2-Tracy Machiela, 39, Nunica,
    37:53.0. 3-Doreen Akins, 60,
    Kaz., 40:04.6. 4-Erin Dunham, 20,
    Allegan, 40:29.7. 5-S. Bernstein, 10,
    Vicksburg, 41:00.0. 6-Ashton Laham,
    13, Scotts, 42:32.9. 7-T. Kerwin, 7,
    Portage, 42:39.3. 8-Brion Cesco, 54,
    Homer, 44:13.7. 9-Scott Jecks, 40,
    B.C., 44:15.6. 10-Kelley Cheryl, 63,
    Scotts, 44:19.8.

  • 13-Suzanne Paugh, 58, Albion,
    45:11.2. 16-Christina Lindauer,
    41, Ceresco, 45:38.9. 22-Jacob
    LaPrairie, 36, Hastings, 47:22.8.
    24-Andee Gerger, 25, B.C., 47:23.9.
    25-Kecia Avila, 46, B.C., 47:31.7.
    32-Naiya Panchal, 36, B.C., 48:05.5.
    34-Jessica Donnell, 32, B.C.,
    48:07.6. 35-MacKenzie Taylor, 31,
    B.C., 48:12.4. 36-E. Hunt, 12, B.C.,
    48:12.7. 38-Nick Taylor, 31, B.C.,

  • 39-Chloe Ganka, 13, B.C.,
    48:17.8. 43-Joseph Mosher, 57,
    Scotts, 48:56.6. 45-Veronica Rose
    Whittaker, 26, Athens, 49:02.9.
    46-Breana Shephard, 28, B.C.,

49:13.9. 49-Cynthia Campbell, 57,
B.C., 49:49.0. 50-Melissa Ganton,
53, B.C., 50:02.4. 52-Aaron Casarez,
49, Marsh., 50:16.6. 53-C. Donnell,
59, B.C., 50:21.6. 54-J. Donnell, 59,
B.C., 50:22.4. 59-Greg Lindauer, 46,
Ceresco, 50:57.9.

  • 60-Sheila Smith, 65, Marsh.,
    50:58.4. 63-Helen Bennett, 65, B.C.,
    51:03.0. 65-Kathryn Golden, 38,
    Gales., 51:10.2. 66-Jenafer LaPrairie,
    36, Hastings, 51:15.3. 72-Gabrielle
    Suggs, 26, Union City, 52:09.3.
    74-Morgyn Weeks, 28, Olivet,
    52:21.9. 75-B. Harvey, 6, Olivet,
    52:22.0. 76-Christine Garrett, 39,
    B.C., 52:30.6. 77-Korey Bradley, 47,
    Albion, 52:47.6. 82-Dave Ganka, 60,
    B.C., 53:03.8. 84-Mindy Ganka, 49,
    B.C., 53:05.0. 85-Chase Ganka, 13,
    B.C., 53:05.7.

  • 88-Debra Gualandi, 55, B.C.,
    53:11.3. 89-Michelle Naylor,
    49, B.C., 53:11.5. 90-Wendy
    French, 54, East Leroy, 53:11.6.
    94-Carolyn Reed, 55, B.C., 53:15.6.
    98-Angelique Fausey, 51, B.C.,
    53:20.8. 99-Nicole Fausey Luke,
    44, B.C., 53:21.0. 101-Dejah
    Vandorsten-Gardner, 59, B.C.,
    53:24.3. 104-Dalton Rine, 23, B.C.,
    53:45.6. 105-Thomas Holder, 24,
    B.C., 53:49.9. 107-Colleen Hunter,
    45, East Leroy, 55:06.4.

  • 109-Robin Cardno, 70, Marsh.,
    54:22.5. 110-Rachelle Casarez, 44,
    Marsh., 54:23.5. 111-Dawn Mason,
    60, B.C., 54:42.7. 112-Donald
    Mason, 64, B.C., 54:42.9. 116-Sue
    Reichert, 67, Climax, 55:04.4. 117-
    Julie Hitchings, 38, B.C., 55:09.3.
    118-Chris Reichert, 32, Climax,
    55:17.3. 119-Julie VanPatten, 31,
    Climax, 55:20.5. 120-Amelia Gibson,
    15, B.C., 55:37.2. 121-Lyndsey
    Rogers, 40, B.C., 55:37.5.

  • 122-Kathi Hernandez, 68, B.C.,
    55:47.3. 130-Jared Banghart, 38,
    B.C., 56:36.3. 131-Suzanne Ploehn,
    63, B.C., 56:39.3. 133-Shane Cope,
    48, B.C., 57:29.0. 134-Arturo
    Gonzalez, 35, B.C., 57:37.5. 135-A.
    Gonzalez, 9, B.C., 57:37.7. 140-Joe
    Webster, 40, B.C., 58:09.6. 147-Sara
    Dunn, 36, B.C., 58:51.9. 150-Jamie
    Mikle, 38, B.C., 58:53.0.

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