Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Yu provided equivalents in terms of land area, but since productivity and fertility
    varied, a soo-kok prehend would vary in land area from So kw)ng of first-grade land to
    2S0 kyrillg of ninth-grade lanel. Ibid.

  2. Ibid. [:Rh-9a.

  3. Ibid. I :9a.
    9S. Ibid. 1 :qb.

  4. Ibid. [: lob.

  5. Ibid. I: lOa.
    9S. Ibid.

  6. Ibid. I: lOa-b.

  7. See the definition of yiieh-ti (yo/chi) in Morohashi Tetsuji, ed., Daikanwa jiten
    [o!. PGSR l:lOb-IIa.
    lO2. Ihid. [: II a.
    lO3. Edward Willett Wagner, The Literati Purges: Political Conflict in Early Yi Korea.
    (Cambridge: East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1974); sce also Chong
    Tuhui, "Chos6n ch'ogi samgongsin yon'gu: ku sahoejok paegyiinggwa chClngch'ij6k
    yokhwarul chungsimuro" [A study of the three merit subject lists of the early Chos6n
    period, in particular their social background and political role], Yr)ksa hakpo 7S-76
    (December 1977):121-76.

  8. PGSR 1 :S7b-SSb, 66a. James B. Palais, Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea
    (Camhridge: Harvard University Press, 1975), pp. 7S-S2.
    lOS. PGSR I:2Ia.

  9. See the definition in Yang Chudong, Min T'aesik, and Yi Hongjik, ed., Hanhan-
    daesajon (Seoul: Tong'a eh'ulp'ansa, 1963), p. [[ 39.
    lO7. PGSR 1 S'la.
    lOS. Ihid.

  10. Ibid. [:S3a.
    rIO. Sec Bruce Cumings's analysis of the use of organic or corporate models in con-
    temporary North Korea. "Corporatism in North Korea," pp. 269-94.
    III. PGSR 1 :S3a-h.
    [ 12. For land grants, see ibid. 1 :32b; for membership in the royal guards, sec ibid.
    [ :S3b.
    [ 13. Ibid. I:32b.
    [ [4. So in this context means nothoi, hut as the dehate over mouming rites in the mid-
    seventeenth century brought out, some believed that 5'6 only meant all sons but the eldest
    son of a wife, not the sons of a concubine.
    [IS. PGSR [:33a.

  11. Ibid. 1 :32h.

CHAPTER 9. Late Chos6n Land Reform Proposals

I. Sec B. A. Holderness. Pre-Industrial England: EconolllY and Society. 150()-I750
(Totowa, N.J.: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1976), pp. 7S-S2, for the conversion of seigneurial
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