ojang ?f!J. r.r fishing weirs
ok ~ "house" or business
Okeho (state) fA m
Oktang 3t R: nickname for Hong-
mun'gwan. Office of Special Coun-
omjoksojibun • m jJf, z 5} maintain-
ing strict distinctions between legiti-
mate sons and nothoi
Ongju ~.± princess
ol/gsan ~. nonsense
op function or occupation
orinda j!, M iii fish-scale registers
Otyeiii 1i:tl il The Ceremonies of the
Five Rites
6sa tw!t: secret censor
Owi 1i 11 Five Guard system (early
Owi toch'ongbu 111*1$ ttt Jf.f Five
Guards Directorate
Oyong Ji ~ Five Divisional Headquar-
ters of the General Army (Kyonggi
Province Division)
6yongch'ong tw~. Royal Division
6yonggun tw ~ 1ft Royal Division
pa (Ch) !fj hegemon
Pa-tso (eh.) Ali: "8 seats" or 8 high-
est officials
P'ach'ong re ~ battalion conunander
Paekche dynasty E ~
paekchOng S T (I) Koryo dynasty,
men of intennediate status between
conunoners and base persons; (2)
Choson dynasty, outcastes including
willow basket weavers and butchers
paekkiim S ~ silver alloy
paeksong S t& conunon people
(Choson); less than commoner but
higher than slave (Koryo)
P'aengbae %:j=j~ military unit
paengmi S)/( husked rice
Pai-lu t'ung shu-yUan chieh shih S 1&
1fiiJ If ~ 11 if-Chu Hsi' s "Posted In-
structions for the White Deer Acad-
Pajin'gun (p.n.) 111*.
P'aju (p.n.) :lJJi 1M
p 'aksagwan it ± 1? erudites or spe-
cialists in the classics (Han). See po-
shih kuan.
p 'alp '0 A 1!! trade in ginseng
P'alwi A1$i Eight Guards
pan-liang (Cit) *" m the "half-liang"
pandang if f[/,j personal aides of high
officials, see pan 'ill.
pang j:}j ward
Pang-cheng (Ch.) j:}j 1£ ward chief
Pangbaek 1J 18 provincial governor
panggun sup '0 t&.!It;(fJ excusing
duty soldiers from service and collect-
ing tax payments from them instead
pang/on 1J IE square-field system
Pangjong j:}j 1£ chief of a ward in Yu
Hyongwon's local government plan
pangmul 1J 1tJ tribute goods
pangnap ~j ~IIJ tribute contracting; see
pang 'oe 1J;'~ "irregulars"
Pang'osa ~jJJM! Defense Com-
Pang' oyong Itti jJJ ~ Defense Regi-
pangp 'aeson ~ Ji$ RB-armored ships
pangsang :I1i,W ward schools
P'an'gwan !1tl13' assistant to a provin-
cial governor; administrator of grain
pangyak 1J ~ defense strategy of Yi II
Pan 'gye surok iI m Ml ~ Collected
works of Yu Hyongw6n.
Pangyokso ~:&: J.9r collection centers
for relief contributions in the villages