Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1


Sach'on (p.n.) WI J"
sadaebu ±~ scholar-officials
sadaedong fL.
Ii'!) the private taedollg
sadan 1m ltIfij the four basic virtues in
the human mind
sadan eh 'ilehong 1m ltIfij -t tif the Four
Origins and Seven Emotions
Sadosi RJ ~ c$f
sae (3T) (siing in Sino-Korean
pronunciation); a unit defined as 80
warp threads by Cheng Hsuan in his
commentary on the funeral rituals of
the classic I-Ii (The Book of Etiquette
and Ceremonial)
Saekchang ~ ' charge, or clerk
Saejae (Choryong)(p.n.) (~
Bird's Peak
Saekpu • ~ rural agricultural officials
saengwon j:: Jrl classics licentiate
Sagan won RJ. ~ Office of Censor
sago 1m" the Four Granaries of the
capital to pay for the expenses of the
royal house (kongsang)
sagull 1m W the four prefectures in the
northwest, est. 1443
Sahak 1m Four Schools
Sahonbu RJ-' iff Office of the Inspec-
sahuson fiiJ fI
jjH-patrol boats
Sahwa RJ ~ treasurer of the Haeju
community compact
sahwan ~ ~ regular runners
sain ± A scholars
saja serok chi miiii 1±:1Ifttt:ffz~:W!
a beautiful idea that (represented) the
intent of King Wen of the Chou dy-
nasty to provide hereditary salaries for
those (officials) who served him
sajae fL. M private property
sajang fL. lIT private merchants
Sajaegam RJ $-it office for supplying
the costs of guest expenses

sajik fill altars of earth and grain; see
sajiktan t±lI:ii altars of earth and
sajo 1m m four ancestors
sajok ± 1i* families or lineages of
scholar-officials; often used in Korea
for the yangban whether they were
scholar-officials or not
sajon fL. m "private land": prebends or
rights to collect the eho or tax granted
to certain individuals in place of the
state; or privately owned land; prebend
sajon g m royal grants ofland to
private individuals
sajuill fL..:t A warehousemen called
private masters, private merchants
sajuill fL..:tA private masters of the
bureaus in charge of tribute collection
salsu ~ -'f "killers" or close-combat
sword, pike, and spearmen
Sarna RJ,~ Kof. for Ssu-ma, the chief
military official in the capital of the
Chinese Chou dynasty
Samaso RJ,~ Nf Centers for Classics
and Literary Licentiates; see Yu-
Sambok plot '=::fJl
Samgang haengsil .=: ~ 1i Jf Exem-
plars of the Three Moral Relation-
samgo .=: ~ inspection periods
Samgong .=: -0 three moral advisers to
the king
Samgun Toch'ongiebu .=: 1fl~. iIi!I
iff Three Annies Command Agency
Samgun'mun .=: .. r~ Three Armies
Sarnhan .=:.. The three Han states in
south Korea, ca. A.D. 1-300: Mahan,
Pyonhan, Chinhan
Samhall ehullgbo .=: ~ £. a Korean
samin kaktiik kiso 1m B.'AH.l}JtJ9f
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