The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 839

emperor,” 282; sympathy of for the com-
mon people, 282
Joubert, Barthélemy, 644, 785, 786
Journal de Paris, 712
Journal des homes libres de tous les pays, 629
Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de, 620
Joyous Entry, 258, 261, 556; annulment of, 263
Jullien, Marc Antoine, 610
Jung-Stilling, Johann, 705

Kant, Immanuel, 616, 684, 688, 689, 701; view
of the Revolution as a moral act, 701
King, Rufus, 517
Kingdom of Naples, 643, 653, 655–62
Kirk, Russell, 141
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 415, 699
Kluit, Adrian, 248
Knights of Malta, 780
Koester, H. M., 705, 707
Kohlmayer, Samuel, 498
Kollontay, Hugo, 17, 220n18, 314–19, 324,
483, 587; imprisonment of, 489; as the
“Polish Robespierre,” 483
Konopczynski, Władysław, 407–8
Korsakov, Alexander, 789
Kosciusko, Thaddeus, 7, 17, 157, 185, 189, 310,
315–17, 501, 693, 742; and the Polish Rev-
olution (1794), 317, 321, 322, 484, 487–89
Krieger, Leonard, 704

La Batave, 436, 462
La Chalotais, Louis- René de, 71, 73
La Constitution de l ’Angleterre, 18, 110n6
La Harpe, J. F., 330, 418, 422, 479–81, 449, 45,
670, 671; defense of the liberty of Vaud by,
645; exile of, 418; as member of the Hel-
vetic Directory, 681; opposition to the par-
tition of Switzerland, 677; radicalism of,
6670; as tutor to the Russian grand dukes,
La Révellière-Lépeaux, Louis-Marie, 564,
565, 643
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Duke de, 187,
Labaree, L. W., 39
Lacretelle, Jean Charles Dominique, 189
Lafayette, Marquis de, 157, 184, 188, 189, 339,
343, 347, 354; as an “aristocrat,” 348; im-
prisonment of, 405; influence of American
liberty on, 348, 361

Lake, Gerard, 742
Lally- Tollendal, Gérard de, 366, 541–43, 555
Lange, K. J., 618, 630
Langrishe, Hercules, 738
Languedoc, 33, 34, 36, 351; Estates of, 33, 40,
94, 343
Latin America, revolution against Spain in,
Lavoisier, Antoine, 363
law: domain of, 23–24; international law, 419
Law of Hostages (1799), 788
Le Bon, Gustave, 331
Le courrier de l ’Armée d ’Italie, 610
Le sentiment des citoyens (Voltaire), 99
Le système de depopulation (Babeuf ), 550
Lebrun, C. F., 73, 75, 418, 419, 422, 427–29;
influence of Dumouriez on, 418
Lectures on the Philosophy of History
(Hegel), 703
Lefebvre, Georges, 357, 360, 391, 478
Leflon, Jean (Abbé Leflon), 383, 607n35
Legrand, J. L., 671
Leicester, 2240
Lenin, Vladimir, 95
Leopold II (grand duke of Tuscany, Holy
Roman Emperor), 253, 259, 266, 268 269,
281, 289–99 passim, 325, 284, 413, 427,
439, 422, 481; ability to keep the Hapsburg
Empire together, 257; commitment of to a
“democratic revolution,” 494n34; dealings
of with L. A. Hoffman, 495; death of, 481;
as the instigator of rural protests, 494; lib-
eralism of, 267; personality of, 494; political
principles/beliefs of, 266–67; reasonable-
ness of as a ruler, 266–667; reconciliation of
with the estates of the empire, 267; reforms
of as the Grand Duke of Tuscany, 259; re-
pudiation of Joseph II’s policies, 266; secret
agents of, 494; sending of troops by into
Hungary and Belgium, 491
Les ennemis de la patrie démasqués (Robes-
pierre), 349
Les Scythes (Voltaire), 106
Lesnodorski, Boguslaw, 324
Letter addressed to the People of Piedmont, A
(Barlow), 324
Lettere americane (Carli), 179
Letters from an American Farmer (de Creve-
coeur), 189
Letters from the Mountain (Rousseau), 99
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