The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

848 Index

Russia, 7, 12, 22, 25, 58, 64, 215, 77, 562, 647;
betrayal of by the Austrians during the War
of the Second Coalition, 655; concessions
made to aristocratic principles in, 302; cre-
ation of the aristocracy in, 304; impact of
Western revolutions in, 477–82; invasion of
Holland (1799), 647; invasion of Poland
(1792), 424, 441n26, 482–84, 488, 489;
overthrow of the Cisalpine Republic by,
590, 609; propaganda in, 440, 440n24; re-
bellion of serfs in, 477–78; reports of the
American Revolution in, 200; revenue of,
313; and the Russo- Turkish war, 502; serf-
dom in, 259, 309, 316; taste of for the se-
cret and mysterious in, 478; Western Rus-
sia, 480. See also Russian Revolution; White
Russian Revolution, 1; “disassociation” of the
Russian and French Revolutions, 11; rela-
tion of to the French Revolution, 11–12
Russo, Vincenzo, 652; Utopian radicalism of,

Sable, Baptiste Point du, 751
Saggio storico (Cuoco), 656, 661
Saint-André, Jeanbon, 725
Saitta, Armando, 549
Saliceti, Antoine Christophe, 573, 576, 592
San Fedism, 660
San Marino, 668
sans culottes politics, 399, 409–12, 525
Sansom, Joseph, 670n7
Sardinia, 83, 358, 372, 378, 447, 465, 507, 520,
551, 569, 573, 574; British financial aid to,
537; war of with France, 574n18
Savile, George, 223, 228
Savoy/House of Savoy, 416–19; annexation of
by the French, 667; republicanism in, 583
Sawbridge, John, 230, 235
Saxony/Saxons, 503; Electoral Saxony, 692;
hereditary monarchy of, 319; insurrection-
ists in, 692
Scheldt River, 247; opening of to international
navigation, 394
Schiller, Friedrich, 684, 699
Schimmelpenninck, R., 245, 521
Schirach, G. B., 707
Schmohl, J. C., 200
Schneider, Eulogius, 694
Schwyz, canton of, 664, 672

“Scotch martyrs,” 720
Scotland, 17, 37, 623, 640; disaffection in, 640,
séance de la flagellation, 72, 123, 334
secret societies, 440, 444, 481, 562; in Ger-
many, 627, 687; in Milan, 787
Sedition Act (1798), 616, 528, 752
Seditious Meetings Act (1795), 726–27
semi- peace, 642–43; politics of, 643–48
September Massacres, 721
serfdom/serfs. See feudalism/serfdom
Sermon des cinquante (Voltaire), 99
Servetus, Michael, 88
Seven Years’ War (1756–1763), 207, 224, 225,
228, 286, 254; English monetary indebted-
ness caused by, 114
Sheffield, discontent over associations in, 730
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 721
Shippen, Thomas, 6–7
Shtrange, M. M., 475, 480, 482n12
Sieveking, Heinrich, 693, 698
Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph (Abbé Sieyés), 212,
293, 324, 343, 348, 450, 350, 351–52n6,
355, 356; and the French Constitution,
362–72 passim, 363n14; hatred of the no-
bility, 363, 615; on the hereditary rights of
the king, 369–70; speech of against Mouni-
er’s proposals, 365–66n21
Silagi, Denis, 500
Silesia, 60
Simcoe, J. G., 751
Sismondi, Jean- Charles Léonard de, 84
Sister Republics, 507, 564, 610, 612, 617–23;
constitutions of, 618
Skirving, William, deportation of, 720, 724
slavery/slaves, 8, 24, 40, 134; abolishment of
slavery in Haiti and Brazil, 748
Smith, William, 750
Soboul, Albert, 399, 409–11, 453, 458; on
popular revolutionaries and international
revolutionaries, 461n18; on violence, 411
Social Contract, The (Rousseau), 14, 44, 89–96,
99, 200, 244, 498, 768; on the act of associ-
ation, 92; on community, 92; comparison
of its propositions to later democratic
principles, 90; conservatism of, 94–95; on
the election of officers, 93, 93n12; on
equality, 93; on the issue of authority,
92–3; as the moral foundation for a demo-
cratic theory of society, 275; on representa-
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